Almost every time I have a client sitting across from me, they tell me that they want to hear more often from their loved ones on the other side.  A medium can be useful in this regard: it’s sort of like being an iPhone for reaching across the dimensions.  But those who’ve passed are always letting us know they’re around in less technical ways.  We just need to pay attention –and then acknowledge it.

Me: "Siri, call Other Side."Siri: "Are you high?"
Me: “Siri, call Other Side.”
Siri: “Are you high?”

Many times, we’ll have an experience that makes us go, “Hmmmm” — and somehow, you just KNOW that it was from the other side.  There’s something a little different, out of the ordinary — but here’s what happens: we talk ourselves out of it.  We dismiss it as a coincidence, or imagination, or a hundred other things.  And thus, another wonderful tickle from our loved one goes unacknowledged.

You KNOW that smelled like your Dad’s Luckys…

In the movies, people have big, dramatic moments where they connect with the Other Side.  I wish it were like that in real life, but its not.  In my experience, the deceased tend to whisper, not shout.  I think it’s also a function of our own “radar” being a little clogged with reality TV, work stuff, text messages and other junk.

One way to tune that radar is to simply recognize when you DO get one of those little hinkys.

Right after my mother passed, I was upstairs in my loft, when I heard some things drop to the floor of my kitchen below.  I just “knew” that it wasn’t random — it was my mother letting me know she was there.  A week later, I had another experience of her presence, and I believe it was because I was a little more open to that energy.

Signs of your loved ones come in little ways:  you may hear a song that makes you think of them.  You may “hear” their voice in your head or smell their cigarette smoke.  Finding pennies is another way spirit shows up, or you may have a dream about them.   You may simply feel that they’re with you, especially at special occasions like births, weddings or graduations.  With pets, you may think you hear them around their favorite spots, or feel them sleeping on the bed with you.


The most important thing you can do is to acknowledge and thank them for reaching out.  When you do that, you grease the channel and allow for even more communication.  Don’t blow it off or think you’re imagining it:  that’s like turning the ringer off on your phone, and forgetting to turn it back on.

I love the fact that our loved ones are still with us. While it would be great to hug them for real, I’ll take finding a penny, or smelling my dad’s pipe or hearing my mother’s favorite classical piece when I turn on the car radio.  It’s a decent substitute.

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