“Is my dead grandmother/father/beagle my guardian angel?”  I get this question a lot during a session.  And the answer is…

Kinda sorta.

Basically, we have three kinds of spirit entities around us:  spirit guides, angels and those who’ve crossed over.  At different times, and in different ways, they are there for us.  Let me break it down:

A spirit guide is someone who has been in human form at least once.  They are assigned to us before we incarnate, sort of as a spiritual bodyguard.  We sit with them, drawing on a big whiteboard all the things we hope to accomplish or experience in the upcoming life.  Their role is to remain on the other side of the veil, helping us to stick to our plan.

"Helloooo?  Are you hearing me?"
“Helloooo? Are you hearing me?”

Of course, once we’re physically born, we have a hard time remembering The Plan.  We get distracted and diverted, but our guide is always there.  We just need to ask them to help set us back on the right road.  They will put a helpful person in our way, make us notice a particular job listing or an article about a new medical treatment.  They want us to succeed; I think of them kind of as the Ultimate Life Coach.

Throughout our time on Earth, we have different guides who help us with many specific things – our health, our parenting skills, our job search.  Those guides come and go, but there’s always one main guide who sticks with us from our slap-on-the-butt-and-bawling entry point to our return over the veil.  Here’s a way to meet yours.

While spirit guides have had the human experience, a guardian angel hasn’t.  Angels are a different breed altogether and possess some truly bad ass energies and powers.


In the Christian tradition, there are nine categories of angels.  Seraphim are those closest to God, followed by Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and finally, Angels.

It’s a little like the military, with each category having specific purposes and roles.  For the sake of this discussion, we’ll stick to garden variety angels.

Your basic Angel is the closest to humankind.  Their role is to protect, guide and inspire us.  The powers of a guardian angel are truly wondrous; they’re the ones you hear of showing up at crash scenes or natural disasters.  So unless your grandma has super-powers, she’s not technically your guardian angel.

"It's a bird, it's a plane, it's.... Nana?!"
“It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s…. Nana?!”

Grandma CAN, however, assist you, sort of like a spirit guide, by sending you information, people or other forms of assistance.  Unlike a spirit guide, she’s not waiting around, filing her nails and waiting for your call; our loved ones are busy living their spirit life; they hear you when you need them, but aren’t investing all their time in what’s happening over here.  I mean, when Nana was alive and moved to Florida, she spent her days playing canasta and working in her yard; she looked forward to your weekly call, but didn’t build her life around it, right?  Well, hopefully not.  Same with life on the Other Side.

Outside of serious danger, where a guardian angel will step in to help in whatever way they can, the one thing all invisible helpers generally require is…a request.  As humans, we’ve been granted free will.  If we need help, we need to ask for it.  They can’t just butt in, uninvited.

And in that regard, that’s one thing that’s different from most living people  we know, amIright?

I’d love to hear your experiences with angels, guides or someone on the Other Side.  Share in the Comments.  And head over to my website, whenevs.

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