
How to Host the Angels

Have you heard about this thing where you host the Archangels? It’s been going around, sort of like a chain letter. Some say you need to pass it on to three people when you’re done; personally, I don’t think you need to. I think they’re happy to help you out, all on your own.

I hosted them once – and it was a pretty interesting experience. If you’d like to give it a go, here’s the breakdown on how to do it.

You’re going to be hosting the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael and Metatron. They’ll be staying with you for five days.

Not the angels who'll be visiting.
Not the angels who’ll be visiting.

Start by preparing your space. Clean and tidy the house. Then make a little altar (I used the mantle over my fireplace) and place the following items on it:

-A white flower.

-A candle that will stay lit the whole time. I used one of the battery-powered kind, rather than stressing over safety issues.

-An envelope with a letter containing three wishes: one for Earth, one for your family and one for you. Keep it simple.

-An apple, which will sit atop the envelope for the five days.

On the night of your choosing, the angels will arrive at your home at 10:30 pm.. At 10:30, open your front door and read the following out loud:

“Hello, and welcome to our home. I’m grateful you are purifying and bringing peace to this place and to those beings who live in it. I’m grateful to you for bringing harmony, joy and serenity to all of us. I’m very grateful to you for granting me my wishes. Welcome.“

So now, you’ve got five archangels hanging with you. Take advantage of their presence by asking them questions – then stay open to whatever “answers” you get. For some reason, this works best if you do this around 10:30 at night. If you’re not up that late (like me), no worries –spend some time sitting quietly and allow the information to flow whenever’s convenient.

You may also find yourself being woken up between 3 and 5 in the morning with sudden insights or messages.   Don’t they know that some of us have to work the next day????

Anyway, the angels can travel (obviously), so invite them to come with you wherever you go. They don’t take up any room in the car.

During the five days, stay aware for any changes in energy, any coincidences, dreams or other “hmmm” moments.  After their five day visit, open your front door again, thank them for their help and wish them a safe trip. [If you do decide to send them along to three people, know that the angels rest for five days in between destinations. Give the angels the names of their next three people as you bid them farewell.]

Now, carefully burn the envelope. This releases the energy of the three wishes inside. Eat the apple, which has absorbed powerful positive energy during the visit.   Place the flower outside so that it recycles back into Mother Earth.

Ever hosted the angels before?  Let me know how it worked for you!

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