The Beach Boys sang about it – and so did a pre-“serious actor” Marky Mark. I’m talking about “good vibrations.” “Vibrations”, as in a higher energy. “Good”, as in, well, good.

Working effectively with any metaphysical practice (like Tarot), or entities (like angels), requires adjusting our energy. That’s because our usual human energetic state just chugs along. We go on autopilot, with our vibration sort of “powered down.”

Not to mention, today’s environment pounds the crap out of our energy, between the food, toxins and endless electronic distraction we’re subject to. In that state, it can be tough to sense the presence of the higher-functioning beings that are always around us and want to help.

So humans and those other beings need to sort of “meet in the middle.” They slow their fast-moving energy down, while we raise ours. It’s a little bit like those planes that get fueled in mid-air.

“Raising energy” is different for everyone. Personally, I get uncomfortable if I feel too “buzzy,” so I’ve learned how to monitor myself as I do any exercise, and then dial it up or down as needed.

Regular meditation is and has always been the standard way to actively raise and control our energetic vibration, but here are some other things that can be done, pretty much anywhere:

-Drink water. Water conducts electricity. Electricity is a form of energy. Staying well hydrated keeps your vibe going.

I also like to write an intention on my water bottle, like “Health,” “Joy” or whatever I need. Water, boosted with an intention, has enormous power: the molecules are changed –literally.  There was an experiment done in which water droplets were either prayed over or yelled at. When viewed through a microscope, the prayed-for water exhibited a beautiful crystalline structure; the yelled-at ones looked dark, raw and dirty. Intention really packs a punch; make yours positive ones.

-Practice gratitude. Focus on what you have versus what you don’t, what’s going well versus what sucks.  That upgrades your vibration in a huuuuge way, because “gratitude-energy” resonates at a very high level. I like writing down 5 things each day that I’m grateful for.

On today’s menu, it was:

1) waking up in a warm, comfy bed

2) the “regulars” at the diner who always make me smile

3) the leaves turning colors outside my window

4) a hot shower and a cup of coffee

5) my three healthy, snuggly cats

Ain't my boys cute?
Ain’t my boys cute?


Right now, what 5 things are YOU grateful for?

-Listen to Buddhist or Gregorian chants. Not only do they sound gorgeous, there’s a very high spiritual energy attached to these particular forms of music. No surprise they’re key parts of two grand spiritual traditions.


-Jump up and down. I’m not kidding. Physical activity raises physical energy — and your vibration. Dancing, walking, whatever will do the trick. But it’s been shown that just jumping up and down “excites” the cells in the body and makes them healthier. Hey, Van Halen was on to something….


Besides it being a part of working with angels, spirit guides or those on the Other Side, a higher energetic vibration is key to the Law of Attraction: when we sense the very real Universal Flow, we can then direct that heightened awareness and clarity to manifest what we want in our life.

But here’s the thing about raising your vibration: things in your life may start to go amazingly well. In fact, maybe too well. You may start to worry that something “bad” is bound to happen, that no one deserves all these blessings. Just remember that this state of increased happiness and awareness is what we’re supposed to be experiencing. That joy then ripples out to the rest of the world, so you getting a big break puts a smile on your face, which then makes you more likely to show kindness to someone else, and so on…Good stuff for you is good for everyone. Get it?

Life holds a balance, so yes, there will be tough times – they hold lessons for us, it’s just the natural order. But the truth is that we can experience a greater percentage of “good stuff” over “bad” when our vibration is better aligned with Universal Source. And we can handle challenges much more efficiently, because we can call on help from the Other Side – and actually sense it/work with it for a change.

So in any metaphysical or spiritual pursuit – or just plain old daily life –consider a heightened frequency as the gas that makes the car go. Get ready to go a whole lot faster!

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