The Law of Attraction “thing” has been around for a good long while. There have been a ton of books and videos done on the subject, and up to now, I’ve been a little bit lukewarm on the subject.

Look, I’m a practical gal, and I feel like the “magical thinking” thing that permeates a lot of the New Age community is just that:  “thinking.”   To me,  you’ve also got to do some actual heavy lifting to make stuff happen on this plane.

But hold up – I just stumbled on a book that aligns perfectly with the Law of Attraction and factors in my own ideas of doing what you need to do.

For years, Jerry and Esther Hicks have been the defacto stars of this LOA stuff, and I have flipped through a few of their books without much impression. But the one I just found is different for me. I find it kind of fascinating that I actually pulled it off the shelf and paid good American dollars for it – because this is generally not me at all.

Anyway, the book is called Manifest Your Desires, and it breaks down aspects of the LOA into 365 bite-sized nuggets. Maybe that’s what my pea-brain needs, but its allowed me to really, REALLY absorb this important lesson.

One of the things that jumped out at me is the vital importance of how you FEEL about something. Face it, how much fear, negativity, general whingeing is running through your head right now? I know that I’ve caught myself in that place more than once in recent weeks. This book has given me a way to step out of that dark rabbit hole.  Without feeling all Pollyanna-ish.

Look, our emotional state is also an energetic one; sending negative, worrisome or otherwise bad thoughts into the ether doesn’t help one bit. Not to say that you won’t have those feelings on more than one occasion, but actively choosing a more empowered state when you can is the thing. It seems so simple, but let’s face it — everyday life sets up serious barriers, and we spend more time focusing on what we don’t want than what we do.

For my own self, this book helped give me some practical ways to switch away from that heavy state into a better frame of mind – and I can actually “see” in a very real way, where it is I want to go. It’s like coming out of a heavy fog.

So thanks, Esther and Jerry. The act of “manifesting” now doesn’t seem so remote or complicated to this hard case.  I can’t wait to see the results – ’cause I have quite the list, and I can’t wait to get started on it.

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