Showing: 11 - 20 of 30 Articles

Should Psychics Charge Money?

It happened again.  I’m scanning my morning Yahoo headlines and see that a Florida psychic is on trial for scamming her clients out of — wait for it — something like 25 MILLION (with a “mill”) American dollars.  She managed to get otherwise intelligent folks to hand over gold, jewelry and cash, all in the …

Never Too Late: How to Fix the (Seemingly) Unfixable

There’s a house up the street that’s stood vacant for the last 25 years.  I’m told that, on his deathbed, the owner made his wife swear she’d never sell it.  She didn’t.  Instead, she moved to Georgia with her daughter, leaving the house to rot.  The weeds grew up, raccoons were spotted inside.   My …

How to Do An Instant Tarot Reading

The Tarot has been around for centuries; judging from the amount of info about it, no shocker there.  For that reason, learning this ancient art can be off-putting to the newbie.  So much to take in:  meanings, reversals, context, spreads.  It’s enough to send you running for a pint of Ben and Jerry’s and a …

Psychic Health & Protection

Being a psychic is humbling, exciting, eye-opening, cool and inspiring.  It can also kick your ass. They don’t call us “sensitives” for nothing: psychic or mediumistic work requires a shift in your personal energy that leaves you “open” to both the good vibes and the bad.  When I read, I can feel my client’s joy, …

3.5 Reasons You Need A Psychic

The way I see it, you need these on speed-dial: a plumber, mechanic, lawyer, and in my house, a chicken place that delivers. I would add to that, a good psychic. I’m not talking about hitting up Madame Lasagna at the boardwalk. I’m talking about those of us who are truly, sharply tuned in to the …