So I just finished doing an Animal Communication session (I love these…and apparently, so do my cats, because they gather round my feet while I’m working). Anyway, I got lots and lots of stuff from my subject, Cody, a super-cute doggie — about his favorite toy, the bird that shares his home, the two cats he doesn’t care for. But the thing I MOST got was that he wanted to be heard (one reason he barked. All. The.Time).

The pet parents treated him like a baby. Lots of squee baby talk. Dressing him up in hats. You get the idea — and you’ve probably done it to your fur critter. Well, they generally don’t mind it, but one thing they would like us Two-Leggeds to know is….respect them. Respect their own intelligence and their place in our world. Giving them treats and kisses is great, but if you don’t actively pay attention or listen to what they’re trying to tell you, well….be careful not to step in their next “message.”
Cody’s mom said,”He seems so smart….its like he knows what I’m saying.” Newsflash: he does.

People who come to me for a reading seem all impressed at what I do — but I emphasize that, as an animal lover, they’re communicating with them all the time, too. They just don’t give their pet credit for being able to “talk” back– mainly, because they communicate in a different way than we do. If you take a little time to just sit and try to tune in to what they’re saying or feeling, you’ll be surprised at what you actually hear/feel/sense. Again, it’s respecting that they have their own language and being courteous enough to listen. If a visitor from Kuala Lumpur needed help, you’d try to understand them; it’s just the polite thing to do. Same goes for your ferret.

The other thing about pets is to do what you say you’re going to do. They totally understand what we’re saying. So if you tell them that you’ll play with them after dinner, you’d better do it. If you promise to walk them more often, get out the leash or risk the stinkeye. Animals want the same kind of respect you’d give a human.
Animals are extremely spiritual creatures, with an endless supply of unconditional love for us (and the ability to wear a doll dress and not lose their dignity).

So honor them. Let them know they’re being heard — actually tell them you want to better understand them. Tell them what you expect of them, and what your end of the deal will be. It’s one pet-training trick you don’t hear much about, but it works. Woof.