
Your 8 Spirit Helpers

The last couple weeks have been pretty cool.  During my readings, I’ve been getting some very powerful connections with my client’s spirit guides.

Now, I’m used to linking in with a main guide – the one that stays with us from birth to death. But lately, I’ve had evidence of some of the 7 other guides that are available to each of us.

See, human life is hard. It kicks our ass on a regular basis. But we don’t go through it alone. Each of us has access to a robust “spirit team” that can offer inspiration, information, connections and help as we navigate our path. Unlike angels, spirit guides have been human. So they know what we’re dealing with and are ready to jump in with some help.

Here’s a quick breakdown of your team:

1) The Gatekeeper, Doorkeeper or Master guide. This is the guide who stays with us from the moment of birth to the moment of death. His/her job is to help us stay on track with the life plan we came up with ahead of incarnating. This is your go-to resource for any sort of guidance we need – just ask.

Kinda like this guy...
Kinda like this guy…

The Master guide also coordinates and monitors the other guides who are available:

2) Healer Guides: these can help with any kind of health issue, including emotional issues. Call on them to help you stick to a new diet or fitness routine. If you’re dealing with serious illness, the healer can direct you to information or practitioners that will assist you. Healer guides may have been doctors in their human life, or they may have been shamans, midwives, herbalists, anything related to caring for the body.


3) Teacher Guides: call for a Teacher guide if you’re trying to master a new skill, taking a course or trying to improve any aspect of your life. Kids can call on their Teacher guide to help them with school issues; if you’re having difficulty in a relationship, a teacher guide will present situations as “lessons” to help you break through roadblocks, etc. You’ll have a whole bunch of “aha!” moments with these guys.

Sorry, I still don’t understand algebra.


4) Helper Guide: this guide only shows up at moments of great stress in your life. They will step in to assist in a health crisis or a situation that requires a little extra spiritual muscle.   The energy is very potent, and they often show themselves as a medicine man or shaman.


5) Protector Guide: like a Helper guide, the Protector comes around when the person is in a dangerous situation. They appear as a very large being with a ton of energy emanating from them. Call on them when you’re in a risky profession, for people in the military or any time when you’re in a dodgy place. This doesn’t give you license to step in front of a bus, but when you need some extra protective armor, this is the entity to request.


6) Runner Guide: this guide connects us with the presence of loved ones in spirit or missing items that are especially meaningful to us. They literally “run” to fetch the spirit or information on the missing item – and for that reason, often appear as an animal. Runner guides tend to appear in our dreams, bringing you a link to the invisible dimensions.


7) Warrior Guide: this one is tricky. Warrior guides are there to help us pump up the badass, and help us master fear and weakness. But the energy of the warrior guide is so bold, that it can often lead you into some dicey situations – like turning you into that loudmouth drunk who thinks they’re bulletproof and eggs on a fight. So call on your Warrior guide sparingly.

Seriously.  You don't want this guy hanging around too much.
Seriously. You don’t want this guy hanging around too much.

8) Joy guides: I love these. The Joy guide will make us laugh, will lighten the energy of a heavy situation. Joy guides will lift the spirits of someone in a tough place – like a breath of fresh air. They often appear as little children, and the energy is very fizzy and sparkly.


One thing that I frequently stress in my sessions is that you don’t have to do your life alone. There are resources available to help you make better decisions and move forward in a meaningful way.   Ultimately, you’re responsible – but you have a loving team who will give you fresh input and root you on.  The only things you have to do are 1) ask for their help  2) pay attention to what they send you and 3) thank them.

I wrote about a meditation to help you meet your main spirit guide – but you can use the technique to meet your other team members.

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