Showing: 1 - 9 of 9 Articles

How Animals Impact Energy

Our pets are not just furry, sweet companions – they’re important helpmates on an energetic level. Part of their sensitivities and life purpose is to adjust energy, both our own and that in our home. Sure, they look like they’re just laying there having (yet another) nap. But while they’re doing it, they’re sending out …

Deer, Deer: Symbolism of the Deer

I love deer.  My neighbors may complain that they eat everything in the yard, but I don’t care.  No matter how often I see them nibbling in the dusk light, I hold my breath with wonder.   The other night, I was blessed to have them respond to my invitation to eat the corn I placed …

Talk to Your Pet: Some How-To’s

I’m big on combos:  Peanut butter and jelly. Solids and stripes. Jagger and Richards. So it wasn’t a huge leap to combine my psychic ability with my love for critters and become an Animal Communicator. Learning to tweak the radar to interact with animals has been a profound experience.  Besides the unconditional love and humor …

“My kitty sees dead people!”

I work as a psychic/medium – but don’t limit myself to two-legged clients.  I’m frequently asked to talk to pets, including those who’ve passed over.  And their take on that experience is pretty interesting. Animals understand – on a very fundamental level — that death is merely a change from one form of energy to …