Showing: 1 - 10 of 142 Articles

9 Ways to Put A Call Into Your Higher Power

It’s the birthright of each of us to have a direct line to a Higher Power. It doesn’t require a particular belief system – rather, just a belief that some kind of Higher Power exists, even if you view it as an energetic source vs a religious one. Raising your personal “frequency” is like sending …

The Solar Eclipse: What Does It Mean for You?

The solar eclipse of 8/21 has been making a lot of news. It’s a rare event, mainly because of the proximity offered specifically in the United States.  People have been buying up special goggles to observe it.  Old-school types are making those “viewers” out of shoeboxes that some of us remember from grade school. Yeah, …

When Fear Gets In Your Way….Kick Its Bony Ass

I’ve often said that our gut instinct, our natural intuition, is something we must pay attention to. One of my favorite sayings is: “Intuition is wisdom in reverse” – meaning, we knew we should’ve done (or not done) such and such. But we may have ignored that for the more cerebral aspect of the situation. …