This is the time of year when we start getting that “spring cleaning” itch.  As the weather warms up, we want to open the windows and let in some fresh air, banishing the stale old winter vibe.  You can tell when a room “feels” funky, can’t you?  I know I sure as heck can.  So cleaning — spring or otherwise — has a calming, healing effect on us.

Whenever you’re vacuuming, washing windows or flipping a mattress, you’re doing a version of “space clearing,” moving molecules (not to mention cat hair) around.  But there are some other tools you can add to your bucket to really bring some energetic freshness to a space.  Here’s what I like to use.

SAGE:  This is the classic clearing tool, breaking up anything negative and resetting things back to neutral.  You can buy sage in several forms, but I like the stick form myself.


Sageing – or “smudging” as its often called — is easy.  Light the end of the sage bundle, then blow out the flame.  The sage will begin to smoke.  I go room by room, walking in a counterclockwise motion and moving the bundle up and down to thoroughly cleanse the area (in nature work, counterclockwise is the direction used to reverse or undo something). I pay particular attention to corners, since stagnant energy can hang out there, just like dust bunnies.  BIG SAFETY NOTE:  Keep a fireproof container under the sage, to catch any random sparks.  You can use a shell, like this:


I carry a ceramic dish filled with sand under my sage stick; when I’m done, I extinguish it by grinding it into the sand.

When smudging, open a window to carry the stale vibes out of the room.  Oh, and one more note:  sage smells kinda like pot.  So be prepared for some funny looks from your neighbors.  And maybe a Cheech and Chong joke or two.

SALT:  Salt has long been known for its power to ground energy and keep negativity away.  After a good vacuuming, I’ll put a pinch of sea or kosher salt in the corners of a room.  You can also sprinkle a bit near your front door to keep bad vibes from entering your home or office.

It's not just for potato chips anymore...
It’s not just for potato chips anymore…

SOUND:  I love the sound of bells and chimes.  There are windchimes all over my backyard — and a few in my house, too.  Chimes have the power to break up stale energy.  Tibetan singing bowls can do that, too when you use them in a space clearing.

I’ve gotten so many questions on how to make the bowl” sing,” and there is a trick to it, so here’s a quick how-to demo (and please pardon my Bad Hair Day)….

Once you’ve gotten the bowl to sing, walk around the space counterclockwise, hitting corners and closets to break up old energy.  If you don’t have a bowl or bells, clapping your hands can also clear a space.

WATER:  We wash our faces, dishes, clothes, floors and dogs with it.  And it clears away energy funk nicely, too.  I fill a spray bottle with water and a drop or two of lavender oil (just ’cause it smells nice).  Then I hold my hands over the bottle, putting an intention into it to purify whatever it touches.  I spray this energized water into the corners of a room, again moving in a counterclockwise direction.

Anyhoozle, doing a regular space clearing will make a huge difference in how things flow.  People will be less cranky, animals will behave a little better , everyone will just feel …better.  And by the way, don’t limit these techniques to your home.  Clearing your office and your car, anywhere you spend a lot of time, is a good habit to get into.

So put down the Swiffer and get your sage on, already.  ‘Cause this is the only kind of funk you want around you…


Any other ways you get rid of unwanted funk?  Share it in the comments!

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