Showing: 1 - 10 of 43 Articles

9 Ways to Put A Call Into Your Higher Power

It’s the birthright of each of us to have a direct line to a Higher Power. It doesn’t require a particular belief system – rather, just a belief that some kind of Higher Power exists, even if you view it as an energetic source vs a religious one. Raising your personal “frequency” is like sending …

The “Repeat” Button: Why the Same Crap Keeps Happening

I read a client the other night who was beyond frustrated at her dating situation.  Just when she thought she’d met a great guy, he shut down on her about 2 weeks in.  It was all going along so well, and  then – pffft. After her third smackdown, she asked, “Why does this keep happening …

Bringing A Dream Back to Life

I love Facebook, mainly for the way it helps us reconnect with people from our past – like my college roommate.  She posted something today that made me recall how frikkin’ smart she always was – even if most of the time, we couldn’t see it through all the pot smoke and Southern Comfort haze …