I had a client here the other day who’s in a rough place. According to her, nothing is going right in her life. Zero, Zip. Bupkis. She was hunched over in the chair, hair in the face, and no matter what positive news I saw coming for her, it wasn’t enough. She was so caught up in her negative zone, that she couldn’t let anything hopeful in. And I don’t think she wanted to.
Check it: when I’d last seen her a few months before, she was freaked out because she’d been unemployed for awhile. She never thought she’d work again. I saw a job coming, and guess what, she DID get it. But now its not enough. She hates the job, it doesn’t pay enough, she doesn’t like the commute, yadda yadda yadda.
As a psychic, it wouldn’t much matter what I told her — she would never step up and accept anything good. She’d just let the bad roll on over her.
Look, I understand that, when tough things are being fired at you like one of those tennis ball machines, its hard to stay positive. These are precisely the times that call for summoning up your inner badass.
I wrote in my book, OK, So You’re Dead that souls on the Other Side vie for the chance to incarnate into human form. I know, I know – who would choose to deal with all the stuff we have to deal with down here? But the truth is, being human offers the fast track to our spiritual development. It’s serious boot camp.
So when you’re faced with a rough patch, you have a choice. Being a Debbie Downer may feel good because it completely absolves you of any responsibility, but it will change not one blessed thing. It does not serve you. In fact, that downer energy will just attract more icky stuff, like one nasty-ass magnet.
Now I’m not saying that you act like Mary Poppins On Nitrous Oxide, either. I just want you to recognize that we are all given positive energy to work with in our lives. It’s a law of nature: yin and yang, dark and light, up and down. There’s never any bad that doesn’t balance out with something good; you may have to look for it, but its ALWAYS there.
So here’s the challenge: every night before you go to sleep, tick off seven things going right in your world (seven is a power number).
Your list could be as simple as the fact that you’re sleeping in a comfy bed, your kids are healthy, you have a roof over your head, you got a smile from the coffee guy, you’re not your mother-in-law, etc. I want you to do this every night for two weeks.
Whenever you encounter a tough moment during the day, recall one of your seven blessings from the night before. It counteracts the “heaviness” of that initial moment.
NOTE: The suckier your life seems at the moment, the more you need to do this!!!
I think what you’ll find is that the rough edges in your world start to smooth out. The more you look for what’s good and right, the more things will start to go right.
This is not Pollyanna talk; there are real physical properties to our attitude. It’s strictly an energy thing. So when you’re challenged by the world, choose to stand up and claim the good stuff. It’s like a shot of antibiotics to negative funk.
Need me to kick you in the butt and help move you forward? Get in touch.