In my free time, I volunteer with an animal rescue group. The other day, I adopted out one of our older cats to a woman who had recently lost her beloved Charlie. She was eager to give another senior cat a loving home – always a wonderful situation.
Anyway, when I called to follow up, she mentioned that the new kitty, Molly, was staring at the places where Charlie once hung out, as if she could see him. She, too, swore that she’d seen Charlie out of the corner of her eye several times since his passing. But of course, that was impossible. Right?
Animal energy is very “sticky.” It attaches to the people and places the critter loved. So its no surprise that an animal who loved their human will want to keep an eye on them, even when they’re out of their physical body. [I wrote more about pet loss here and here.]
Living animals pick up on spirit animals very easily. They communicate back and forth, with the spirit version often giving the physical animal an assist in the home: “The lady will give you people food if you look at her like this….” “Watch out for that small kid – he pulls tails….” “The man is sad….he needs extra hand licks.” [These are actual messages I’ve gotten during some of my Animal Communication sessions.]
As for thinking you’ve seen your pet after they’ve gone, you have. One client wrote to me that he’d seen his dog going around the corner of the living room. Another saw her cat laying in the sun like she used to – just for a second. You may also see “sparkles” out of the corner of your eye just after thinking of them. You think you hear or smell them, feel them laying next to you on the bed or sitting in the car like they used to. Don’t dismiss these moments. They are gifts from your fur baby on the Other Side.