OK, so I’ve written about how each and every one of us has psychic ability; to my mind, it’s a spiritual “chip” in our head that just needs to be activated.
Activating the chip is a matter of practice. Psychic development requires using your inborn skills on a regular basis. The more you do it, the stronger it gets – just like muscles.
How one receives psychic information is different for each of us. There are three primary ways it happens (I wrote about clairsentience here). Discovering your own psychic fingerprint is fascinating and fun. So here’s one more to explore: clairaudience.
Clairaudience means “clear hearing.” When you’re working psychically, you may “hear” someone speaking inside your head (hopefully, not Charles Manson), or maybe something significant to the issue. One time when I was working, I heard that disco song, “Ring My Bell.” Turns out, that was a favorite song of the person who had passed whom I was connecting with. Their friend confirmed it.
![But nooooo... I couldn't hear "Ramble On," it HAD to be disco.](https://thesensiblepsychic.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/th.jpeg?resize=300%2C199)
Very few people hear things the same way we hear a car horn, your dog barking or way-too-close neighbors getting’ freaky. Clairaudience is about hearing things in your mind’s ear. For example, think of a dog barking; that experience is similar to clairaudience.
Occasionally, you MAY hear something externally. But for most of us, its internal. The best way to “test” what you’re getting psychically is to do something that can give you confirmation.
Here’s something you can do with a friend. At an assigned time, have your friend do a simple activity. Maybe they’ll make themselves a cup of tea, put a load of wash in or pet their dog. They are not to tell you what they’re doing.
Now relax, take a few breaths and imagine your friend in your mind’s eye. Just picture their face. Imagine the two of you hanging out together, happy and enjoying each other’s company.
Now, gently see if you “hear” anything. What impressions come to mind? Make a note of them. [On the same note, if you “feel” anything or see anything in your head, jot it down.]
When you’re done, call your friend and see what they were up to. Did any of what you got apply? For example, if they were making tea, did you hear a kettle? If they were petting a dog, did you hear a bark or a happy panting sound?
![Good thing you can't smell the stank dog breath....](https://thesensiblepsychic.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/th-1.jpeg?resize=300%2C198)
If you didn’t hear so much as “see” or “feel” information, don’t sweat it. Some people may be very strong in the clairaudience department, others (like me) have it pop up only on occasion (like my disco moment).
The point of this exercise is to see how open that particular channel is for you; none are any better than the others. And many people will have a combination of channels by which they receive psychic information.
Experiment with your own clairaudience facility on a regular basis. The goal is to see how much your “inner ear” is working. If it seems stone-deaf, not to worry: I’ll share info on “clairvoyance” next. Eventually, you’ll find your own psychic style.