Intuition is a completely natural thing– like fingerprints, curly hair or the lack of a singing voice (oh wait, that’s me).  It’s simply hardwired into humans.

We all experience random psychic flashes (gut feelings, first impressions, etc.)  But you can develop your own psychic ability to the point where you can consciously work with it.  Trust me on this one — YOU are psychic.  For real.

Anyway, there are a number of ways in which psychic info comes in from the ether: you may be stronger in one versus the others, or you may have a mashup of all of them.  Let’s explore these channels one at a time.


“Clairsentience” literally means, “clear feeling.” The feelings can come as physical sensations or emotions.

Often when I’m working, I’ll feel stuff in my body to identify health issues: like a bad stomach or tension in my shoulders (fortunately, the manifestations pass). Or I may feel strong emotions as a way to ID what someone’s going through under their cool, calm surface. I may want to laugh, cry or yell – and yet, I know it’s not “me.”

Clairsentience comes in a lot if you’re tuning in to animals. That’s the most direct way they can reach us. The other day I did an Animal Communication session for a kitty who was off his food. I felt that the food had gone “bad” and had a bacteria or fungus in it that was causing the problem. I could “feel” the ickiness in kitty’s stomach and recommended nothing more than chicken broth, water and new food.

He got better. And thankfully, I didn’t hock up a hairball.

Here’s a way to test your own clairsentience.   Grab a piece of paper and a pen. Now relax, take some breaths and look at this picture of my cute cat. Just settle in and gently gaze at it….




As you look at the picture, do you feel anything? Physical, emotional?   Even if it doesn’t make sense, but falls into the category of physical or emotional feelings, make a note of it. [FUN BONUS: If you’d like to test your responses, leave me a comment and I’ll tell you if your info matches up .]

One of the main things about psychic work is getting out of your own way, not trying to figure out the info. [NOTE: if by chance you either “hear” things in your mind’s ear or “see” things in your mind’s eye, jot that down as well. Those are two more channels we’ll be exploring.]

Stay lightly engaged during this process – don’t push it.   The point is to figure out what “percentage” of your intuition comes in via this channel.    No channel is “better” than any other, so if you’re not getting anything, relax.

You might want to try this experiment with other images; again, don’t push. Just play with this sense channel. We’ll be discussing more in the next weeks. Have fun!

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