Showing: 1 - 10 of 26 Articles

Psychic Readings: The “Dazzle Me” Client

I was watching a YouTube thingy the other night, featuring the young psychic/medium, Tyler Henry. He was doing a psychic reading for a celebrity client, explaining that he asks all clients to provide an object related to someone they want to connect with. It helps him get the “conversation” started, so did she bring one? …

When Fear Gets In Your Way….Kick Its Bony Ass

I’ve often said that our gut instinct, our natural intuition, is something we must pay attention to. One of my favorite sayings is: “Intuition is wisdom in reverse” – meaning, we knew we should’ve done (or not done) such and such. But we may have ignored that for the more cerebral aspect of the situation. …

Why Psychic Development Should Be On Your Bucket List

I recently had a client here who told me that he was taking a psychic development class. But he quickly added that he had no intention of “turning pro” like Yours Truly. Another one of my blog followers posted something similar in a comment. As if becoming a professional psychic, medium, animal communicator or whatever …

Become More Psychic: Clairsentience

Intuition is a completely natural thing– like fingerprints, curly hair or the lack of a singing voice (oh wait, that’s me).  It’s simply hardwired into humans. We all experience random psychic flashes (gut feelings, first impressions, etc.)  But you can develop your own psychic ability to the point where you can consciously work with it.  Trust …