I was at a demonstration of mediumship last week, a gallery demo where the mediums would present messages from spirit-side to the audience. Because I was working the door, I had a unique perspective as I sat in the back.
As the audience members engaged with the mediums, I was made super-aware of how we Living types have Very Specific Ideas of what we want to hear from spirit. Some of the audience were dismissing messages right from the jump, because they didn’t exactly line up with what they expected. A few minutes later, of course, the message would suddenly come clear and they would be like, “Oh…..now it makes sense!”
It’s not unusual for us to set up conditions for messages from the Other Side: “If you’re really around, ring the bell in the kitchen…” “If you’re really OK, let me smell your perfume again….” “If life does go on, let me see a red cardinal tomorrow.” But those conditions are all on OUR terms – we completely ignore the other half of the equation.

The thing is, our loved ones in spirit are working on a whole ‘nother level. They are not our trained monkeys. They tend to send signs when we’re not so invested – that “surprise” factor has a better chance of getting through, because our screens are down. I wrote about some other common “signs” here.
They also tend to work with what’s right in front of us. One of my friends just told me a story of an old woman from his church who used to end their phone conversations with, “Have a blessed day.” After she passed, he wanted a sign to know that she was OK – and he got it, in the form of a flat-bed truck in front of him, with a mudflap that read, “Have a blessed day.”
He turned himself inside out over the idea of a message appearing on a flat-bed. Why a truck? But why not? It was right in front of him, where he was sure to see it. So there’s that.
We need to trust that spirit will let us know about their life beyond the veil in times – and terms – that we can really “get.” If we set up parameters and conditions, we might miss it. Like a sailor so focused on the horizon in front of him that he misses the magnificence of a whale breaching right beside him.

So please – release your expectations. Trust and believe. But set no conditions for hearing from them. Just know that you will.
Remember, if you’d like to connect with a loved one, get in touch regarding my mediumship services. Happy to help you reach across the veil.
People always say that the best things happen when we least expect it. We have to stop setting expectations and terms for ourselves and just let it happen. It’s so much more exciting that way. Thanks for sharing!
Wonderful post. It’s very comforting knowing that our loved ones can help us after they’ve passed. Thank you for sharing your insight into this!