My neighbor, Harry, just passed away. It was sudden and sad, during a beach vacation with his family. At the wake, his widow hugged me, and told me that he had brought my book to read while hanging out under the umbrella. I was touched.
She also mentioned how weird it was that 1) her butterfly bush was loaded with the critters the day after he passed and 2) when their assistant walked into the office, the only computer that was on was his. Even though all the equipment had been turned off beforehand. (Spirit people do love their electronics).
I take these as comforting signs that he’s still around. Yes, he’s moved on to the next plane of existence, but he’s still very much able to touch in with his loved ones to let them know he’s cool. And better than OK.
This is one of the reasons I wrote my book, OK, So You’re Dead: A Sassy Guide to the Afterlife. I get sooooo many questions about people who’ve crossed over – and how to carry on once they’ve made that jump. Face it, death kicks you in the teeth. Whether it’s a person or a beloved pet, the experience is a gamechanger.
Having said that, here are my 7 favorite signs that someone who’s passed is nearby:
1) Feathers: white feathers are commonly regarded as a sign from spirit. Sometimes you’ll find a big fat one; but small ones are no less potent. I was sitting outside the other day meditating when a tiny white feather drifted right down from nowhere. Sweet.
2) Butterflies. What a sign of transformation! You don’t necessarily have to see a live one; a photo or one on TV also counts.
3) Dragonflies. With their ability to “walk on water” (literally), dragonflies remind us to look beneath the surface. And, like the explanation above, an image will do.
4) Coins. Notice where and when you find them, if they’re especially shiny or have a significant date on them.
5) Music. Flip on the radio after thinking of someone and notice what random lyrics have to say. Also, a particular artist may remind you of someone on the Other Side.
6) Rainbows. Judy Garland sang about ‘em for a reason. And they were a sign to Noah that the storm had passed.
7) Sparkles of light. When you catch them out of the corner of your eye, you can be sure it’s the presence of spirit.
The thing about these indicators is, they stand out. There’s something out of the ordinary about when, where and how you experience them. Let them bring you reassurance that your loved ones are just fine — and watching over you.
If you’d like to further explore the subject of the Other Side, hope you’ll check out the book. It’s available in paperback, for Kindle of Nook.
OK, off to raise a glass to Harry.
PS — And I’d love to hear your own stories of contact with loved ones on the Other Side…leave it in the comments!
I have been contacted many times but this has me wondering if it is indeed the latest person in my life contacting me.
It happens at any given time cold weather or hot. I don’t seem to have electricity in my body ( my hair etc) Then I get up and go to turn on the lamp and I get zapped. I pass near the fridge and get zapped. I go to open the door to let the dog out and get zapped.
Have u had anyone else encounter this type of visit?
It does feel like someone I lost awhile back but it would be the first time I have been contacted in this way. :o)
Hi — I haven’t had anyone mention this particular type of experience, but electrical stuff is typical with spirit. My advice: if your “gut” tells you that it’s a particular person reaching out, go with that. We soooo overthink things. First impressions are usually the right ones!
Love this post! Thanks for sharing some common signs from spirits.