One of the things I stress to my clients is, you don’t have to go it alone. Human life is hard, but between angels, spirit guides and our loved ones on the Other Side, there are plenty of folks ready to help guide us over the potholes and gaping sinkholes we encounter. All you need do is send up the Bat Signal. Then pay attention.
Here are some common signs that you’ve been heard:
1) Feathers: white feathers are commonly regarded as a sign of the angels. Sometimes you’ll find a big fat one; but small ones are no less potent. I was sitting outside the other day meditating when a tiny white feather drifted right down from nowhere. Sweet.
2) Butterflies. What a sign of transformation! You don’t necessarily have to see a live one; a photo or one on TV also counts.
3) Dragonflies. With their ability to “walk on water” (literally), dragonflies remind us to look beneath the surface. And, like the explanation above, an image will do.
4) Coins. Notice where and when you find them, if they’re especially shiny or have a significant date on them.
5) Music. Flip on the radio after sending up your request and notice what random lyrics have to say. Also, a particular artist may remind you of someone on the Other Side.
6) Rainbows. Judy Garland sang about ‘em for a reason. And they were a sign to Noah that the storm had passed.
7) Sparkles of light. When you catch them out of the corner of your eye, you can be sure it’s the presence of a helper.
The thing about these indicators is, they stand out. There’s something out of the ordinary about when, where and how you experience them.
I was once walking through Times Square with a colleague who was grieving the loss of his mother. Her nickname had been “Bird,” so every feather he encountered on the nasty, funky street, he just had to pick up. The gazillion pigeons in the area just gave him side-eye. Because, pigeons.
The point is, you’ll KNOW when it’s a sign. Trust it.
Also trust that help will come from spirit-side; but it may not show up in the way you expect. For example, you may be gently steered to overhear a conversation about a company that’s hiring, rather than get a promotion at your present job. Keep an open mind – our helpers know what they’re doing.
What signs of spirit presence have you experienced? Leave it in the comments.