Ah, Halloween. Even these (many) years after trick-or-treating, I still remember how cool that night felt. Racing out the door after dinner, meeting your friends on the neighborhood streets that were lit only by streetlights (who DOES that anymore?), and of course, the candy. The frikkin’ candy that would keep you in a perpetual state of pre-diabetic shock for days after.
But what I most recall is that magical energy in the air. You could feel it – literally. Like any spooky thing could really happen. My friends and I saw ghosts and goblins hiding everywhere — and man, was it fun.
As a psychic-medium, I’ve since learned that there’s a very good reason for that magical “feel” of Halloween. All Hallow’s Eve – or “Samhain” – was one of the most important religious times of the year for ancient Celts. Samhain is still celebrated by Wiccans, as it marks the end of summer and the harvest, and is, quite literally, their “new year.”
The spooky angle of Halloween came about because of an ancient belief that this night was when the veil “between the worlds” was at its thinnest. The Celts knew that the spirits of the dead could come back and walk the earth – hence, dressing up in costumes to “scare” them away. That scare factor also accounts for the plethora of walking-dead-blood-spurting-chainsaw-wielding type movies that run on cable all week long.
I’ve since learned to view Halloween as not only fun, but sacred. There’s a certain power to honoring another “turn of the wheel” and the natural rhythms of the earth that were so well known to my ancestors. Consider this time your “new year” and think about what you want to bring about or change in the coming months.
And because the wall separating us from deceased loved ones is not as high on this night, place a photo of someone who’s departed under your pillow. Invite them to join them in your dreams, and know that their presence is very real.
Happy Halloween!
(Just because it is one of THE great dance videos, here’s some Michael Jackson to celebrate. And admit it — you’re gonna be doing some of these moves in your living room. I know I am. Trick or treat!)