Showing: 1 - 10 of 23 Articles

How to Raise Your Vibration – and Why You Should

The Beach Boys sang about it – and so did a pre-“serious actor” Marky Mark. I’m talking about “good vibrations.” “Vibrations”, as in a higher energy. “Good”, as in, well, good. Working effectively with any metaphysical practice (like Tarot), or entities (like angels), requires adjusting our energy. That’s because our usual human energetic state just …

Why Psychic Development Should Be On Your Bucket List

I recently had a client here who told me that he was taking a psychic development class. But he quickly added that he had no intention of “turning pro” like Yours Truly. Another one of my blog followers posted something similar in a comment. As if becoming a professional psychic, medium, animal communicator or whatever …

Four Tools for A Spiritual Makeover

  I recently re-did my office to make it my “reading room” for clients. Put away are the corporate items that once dominated the room: files, binders with reports, back issues of trade magazines and biz-related books. Those now reside in a couple of big containers stashed elsewhere. Instead, I’ve consciously reworked the space to …