Our pets are not just furry, sweet companions – they’re important helpmates on an energetic level. Part of their sensitivities and life purpose is to adjust energy, both our own and that in our home. Sure, they look like they’re just laying there having (yet another) nap. But while they’re doing it, they’re sending out …
Psychic Tools
Has COVID Made Us More Psychic?
I know. You – like me, like everyone else – is “sick to the back teeth” (thank you, my English friends for that phrase) about hearing about Covid. But hear me out on something I think is an unexpected side effect of this weird time. We’ve been in the Covid-tunnel for a year-plus. Lockdown, fear, …
What Does “Manifesting” Mean?
So I pulled this card today from my Angel Deck: Like many of us, I love the idea of “manifesting” what we want. It feels like “magic.” Just say something like “Abracadabra!” and presto, what we want shows up. But I’ve been thinking about it. It is both “easy” and “not so easy.” The “easy” …
The Solar Eclipse: What Does It Mean for You?
The solar eclipse of 8/21 has been making a lot of news. It’s a rare event, mainly because of the proximity offered specifically in the United States. People have been buying up special goggles to observe it. Old-school types are making those “viewers” out of shoeboxes that some of us remember from grade school. Yeah, …
2016: Endings Are the New Beginnings
Happy 2016! Don’t know about you, but man, I couldn’t wait to see the hind end of 2015 as it got the hell outta here. As the saying goes, “Don’t let the door hit ya, where the good Lord split ya…” So now, we have a whole new year to work with. And the numerological …
A Psychic’s Take on Halloween
Ah, Halloween. Even these (many) years after trick-or-treating, I still remember how cool that night felt. Racing out the door after dinner, meeting your friends on the neighborhood streets that were lit only by streetlights (who DOES that anymore?), and of course, the candy. The frikkin’ candy that would keep you in a perpetual state of …
How to Raise Your Vibration – and Why You Should
The Beach Boys sang about it – and so did a pre-“serious actor” Marky Mark. I’m talking about “good vibrations.” “Vibrations”, as in a higher energy. “Good”, as in, well, good. Working effectively with any metaphysical practice (like Tarot), or entities (like angels), requires adjusting our energy. That’s because our usual human energetic state just …
Why Psychic Development Should Be On Your Bucket List
I recently had a client here who told me that he was taking a psychic development class. But he quickly added that he had no intention of “turning pro” like Yours Truly. Another one of my blog followers posted something similar in a comment. As if becoming a professional psychic, medium, animal communicator or whatever …
Read This Before Your Next Psychic Reading
You know that TV show, The Long Island Medium? Besides her god-awful, freeze-dried hairdo, the thing that really annoys me is how she does readings just, oh, wherever. Waiting at the deli for fresh mozzarella? Read someone. On line for the bathroom at an AC/DC concert? Read. In a dentist’s waiting room? Read. Yeah, yeah …
Psychics and Religion
A few years ago, I used to read at a local New Age shop. And you could pretty much count on getting some nasty piece of literature shoved under the door each week, claiming that what we were doing was “evil,” “of the devil,” we were going to Hell, blah blah blah. I’ve gotten similar …