As a psychic, the subject of relationships is one of the Top Three questions I get (the other two being money and career, in case you were wondering). Love is a straight-up crazy ride, so no surprise that psychics get so much business.
Therapists are one way to sort out your love life; so are intuitives. We offer a different approach to issues of the heart, an unconventional source of information that can give you fresh insights.
Naturally, every client’s story is different, but these are the themes that come up repeatedly. Any of ‘em ring a bell?
Clearly, there are some practical issues. Like if you spend your time on the couch watching re-runs instead of putting yourself out into the world: just so you know, the Relationship Fairy will not be delivering someone by FedEx.
But outside of this, I often pick up on deep wounds that have yet to heal or unresolved fears. All that works like a big “STOP” sign to a relationship. What is it that you need to break down?
Relationships come with issues as standard equipment. Learning to work through them advances our growth, but its no guarantee that we’ll grow at the same rate as our partner.
Many times people simply end their journey together. They’ve learned all they’re going to and its healthier to just move on. Its my job to pick up whether there are lessons still in the pipeline or if its time to let go. If that’s the case, I can also provide the “coming attractions” reel of what will fill that void. Because Nature abhors a vacuum.
Because you’re not paying attention. Repeating a pattern means you haven’t learned something. So the same person/scenario keeps showing up, but in different guises. What is it you’re missing? What do you need to change?
No matter how much of a dirtbag that person might be, or if something is “all their fault,” you have a role to play in the situation. Yes, really. What is that role and how can you break free of it? As they say, “it takes two to tango” and a session with a good psychic may teach you some new steps in the dance of love.
Got questions about your own relationship(s)? I’m here.
The image you chose with the caption about having mercy cracked me up!
Yeah, its pretty disturbing isn’t it?