I recently re-did my office to make it my “reading room” for clients. Put away are the corporate items that once dominated the room: files, binders with reports, back issues of trade magazines and biz-related books. Those now reside in a couple of big containers stashed elsewhere.
Instead, I’ve consciously reworked the space to give off a peaceful, healing and spiritual vibe. It helps me during the reading, but it also puts my client into a calm, positive space that they take with them afterwards.
Over the years, I’ve amassed a boatload of tools, tchotkes, potions, powders, Tarot decks, oracle decks, books and more related to the spiritual realms. I had fun dragging them all out and arranging them in my new room. But when it gets right down to it, there are four things that anyone can display in their home that will instantly pull in wonderful energies.
One of my friends had a living room that looked like a rock shop. Crystals everywhere. I haven’t gone that far, but I do keep some particular ones in my room: quartz, amethyst and rose quartz. Those are the go-to stones and cover a lot of ground, purpose-wise. Displaying even a single crystal in your home changes the energies. I wrote more about stones here and here.
The light from a candle isn’t just warm and peaceful, it serves as a beacon to helpful entities on the Other Side. They’re drawn to the gentle illumination. The ritual of lighting a candle instantly dials down the everyday drama and puts you in a more peaceful state.
There’s a reason churches and temples burn incense: it creates sacred space. In some traditions, incense “carries” our prayers to the heavens. Before my client arrives, I light the incense, then carry it around the room (in a dish of sand so no random embers drop onto the carpet). It’s the fastest way to “get in the zone.”
At last count, I had figures of Jesus, Mary, Buddha, Kuan Yin, Archangel Michael, St. Teresa, St. Anthony, St. Francis, random angels, a Native American shaman and some Hindu god whose name escapes me. Seeing this parade of enlightened beings from all traditions grounds me. It reminds me that there are entities available to help us as we navigate life’s ups and downs. But even a single image of a being meaningful to you instantly draws in powerful spiritual energy.
Got any favorite items of your own? How do you “make over” your space? Spill it in the comments!
The candles are a great idea but one thing I might suggest instead are Himalayan Salt Lamps. Google them. They are lovely, give out positive energy and make any room seem so warm and inviting plus they are electric and many come with a dimmer to adjust the light. Just a thought since they have worked for me. Good Luck!
I love the idea of making your sacred space, maybe a mandala on the wall as well to help you focus before meditation, or psychic work would be helpful.