So I pulled this card today from my Angel Deck:

Like many of us, I love the idea of “manifesting” what we want. It feels like “magic.” Just say something like “Abracadabra!” and presto, what we want shows up.
But I’ve been thinking about it. It is both “easy” and “not so easy.” The “easy” part is aligning with Universal principles of energy, frequency — those things you’re likely familiar with from The Law of Attraction and similar books.
The “not so easy” part comes from staying consistent, patient, and somewhat realistic. This is not to rain on your particular parade — but rather, to maintain some flexible edges to your goal.
An example: before everything shut down, I had a dentist appointment. The hygienist cleaning my teeth went on and on…and ON…about how she wanted to be a movie star. I mean, it was kinda cute — but kinda endless. No disrespect, but she was middle-aged with a family and no apparent way to get to Hollywood. She talked a lot about glamazons like Angelina Jolie. The odds are that — like many aspiring actors — she wouldn’t make it. However, perhaps she’d find work as a bit player or character actress. Maybe even work in local theater.
I asked her (when the little suction thingy was out of my mouth) if she was taking classes or finding any contacts to further her dream. Her answer? No. She was just…dreaming.
Dreams are nice. We all have them. But if you truly are hoping for something to come of that dream, there are things that must be done.
This is part of the Manifestation thing. It starts with your intention. That intention then needs some “focus.” Getting back to the hygienist, I would ask her “why” she wanted to be a movie star? The creativity? The fame? The glamour? Those kinds of questions help you drill down to the core of your goal.
Once you have that, you now have the match to light the Manifestation Fire. For example, “I want to be a movie star” can now shift to “I want to express myself to an audience, to get some recognition for my unique self.” Or along those lines. Your goal can come in a different form, yet deliver the same satisfaction.
So what are the techniques that align with Manifestation and help draw your dream closer? The idea behind this concept is that powerful energy — like the yearning you feel in your gut –sends out a signal to the Universe. However, there’s a little bit of a tightrope involved. Wanting it “too much” clamps down on things. It’s like that old adage about holding water in your palm: grip it too tightly and it squeezes out through your fingers. Think in terms of keeping a “light attention” on your goal; keep it as simple as you can and don’t “beg” too much (this is where the consistency and patience that I mentioned above comes in).
-Visualization. This is creating a sort of daydream in your head, imagining this goal coming to pass. How does it look, feel, smell? The more physicality you can add, the better. Again — that reaches into your gut. Have fun with it; see where it takes you. Do it on the regular, like maybe as you fall asleep at night, or washing your hair in the shower.
-Written Affirmations: Write down your goal and post it somewhere as a regular “reminder.” I’m not a fan of those who post dozens of them all over their bathroom mirror; again, that’s “pushing it,” at least in my opinion. Find a way to regularly remind yourself, like setting one on your phone –but don’t get all desperate. As with needy exes, that’s never a good look.
-Verbal Affirmations: A variation on the above, where you state something out loud (hopefully, not in the middle of a church service). The advantage of this is you can add a little of that emotional “oomph”. But again, keep it simple. P.S. — A variation on this is Buddhist “chanting.” Tina Turner credits it with saving her career (and life) at a dark time, and its something I have on my list to check into. Again, it’s all about aligning with the energy of the Universe — in your own unique way.
Manifestation is a tool given to us by the Universe. It can be a reminder that we are “co-creators” with the Universe. I’m fond of telling my clients that if they just take a tiny step towards their dream, the Universe takes one in their direction. Work with this awesome partner to bring something to life. Be patient, be consistent, be open — and trust in the energy available to us.