I love Facebook, mainly for the way it helps us reconnect with people from our past – like my college roommate. She posted something today that made me recall how frikkin’ smart she always was – even if most of the time, we couldn’t see it through all the pot smoke and Southern Comfort haze polluting the dorm.
Here’s what she had to say about the upcoming holiday shopping frenzy:
“Just had a radical thought. Apologies to all the retailers out there, but who among us needs more stuff? Hmmmm? What if this year, instead of giving ANY gifts, we funded people’s dreams? What if we asked the people on our gift list, “What do you dream about doing/becoming?” And then, what if we took whatever we were going to spend on whatever THING they probably don’t need (even if they think they want it) and spent that on making something less tangible, but likely more valuable, come true? Wouldn’t that be amazing? “
Yes. Yes, it would. But it put me in mind of something that comes up with many of my clients: they don’t know what their dream is anymore. Or they’re afraid to express it. The litany I hear is a mashup of, “It’s too late/I have too many responsibilities/it’s stupid…” But the thing is, it’s your DUTY to recapture some part of that dream and make it happen to whatever extent you can.
Choosing to get on the wild ride that is human life is a big deal. The souls that agree to step back into human form are opting for a major opportunity to not only grow themselves, but to help other souls grow by their influence. It’s like throwing a pebble into a pond: the ripples move outward.
The dream(s) you came into this life with are part of your homework as a soul. If you can’t quite recall them, think back to the things you liked to do as a child. I was insane for ballet, and bugged my parents for lessons. Hips and boobs and being 5’9” kinda killed the goal of being a professional, but my love for the art form has continued. I’ve shared my knowledge and love of various ballets and dancers with younger enthusiasts, and like to think I’m sort of paying it forward.
So while becoming a pro singer, football star or veterinarian may be out of the cards, there are always ways to dabble. Drill down to the core of what you love: if you can’t go to vet school, you could do animal rescue work. If you never made it to the major leagues, you can coach Little League. Ask your spirit guides to give you some direction. They live for this stuff.
The dreams you have are the carry-on bags from your journey from the Other Side. They hold the seeds to your happiness and spiritual evolution. And the people who are also touched by those dreams grow in ways you can’t even imagine.
So this season, give thanks for the impossible notions you came into this life with. Take a moment to dust them off, look at them — then dare to make them happen.
“If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.” — awesome quote I just heard on a TV commercial