Showing: 1 - 10 of 29 Articles

9 Ways to Put A Call Into Your Higher Power

It’s the birthright of each of us to have a direct line to a Higher Power. It doesn’t require a particular belief system – rather, just a belief that some kind of Higher Power exists, even if you view it as an energetic source vs a religious one. Raising your personal “frequency” is like sending …

Kiss 2016 “Buh-Bye”; How to Prep for 2017

If you hadn’t yet noticed, 2016 has been one of the suckiest years on record. At every level, it has been awful, with a capital “awf.” All those celebrity deaths….international tragedies…the political nastiness. I want to take a shower, just writing those words. On a personal note, I had to take a biiiiiig break from …

How to Raise Your Vibration – and Why You Should

The Beach Boys sang about it – and so did a pre-“serious actor” Marky Mark. I’m talking about “good vibrations.” “Vibrations”, as in a higher energy. “Good”, as in, well, good. Working effectively with any metaphysical practice (like Tarot), or entities (like angels), requires adjusting our energy. That’s because our usual human energetic state just …