If you hadn’t yet noticed, 2016 has been one of the suckiest years on record. At every level, it has been awful, with a capital “awf.” All those celebrity deaths….international tragedies…the political nastiness. I want to take a shower, just writing those words. On a personal note, I had to take a biiiiiig break from …
A Psychic’s Take on Halloween
Ah, Halloween. Even these (many) years after trick-or-treating, I still remember how cool that night felt. Racing out the door after dinner, meeting your friends on the neighborhood streets that were lit only by streetlights (who DOES that anymore?), and of course, the candy. The frikkin’ candy that would keep you in a perpetual state of …
3 Things To Know About A Psychic Reading
I was at a Labor Day barbecue yesterday, and met up with an old semi-acquaintance. It had been years since we’d seen each other, and during our catch up, my work as a psychic came up. Apparently, she didn’t know this about me. Well, the look on her face was one I see a lot: …
Why Psychic Development Should Be On Your Bucket List
I recently had a client here who told me that he was taking a psychic development class. But he quickly added that he had no intention of “turning pro” like Yours Truly. Another one of my blog followers posted something similar in a comment. As if becoming a professional psychic, medium, animal communicator or whatever …
Are Psychics Legit?
The other day, I got a call from a prospective client who had a ton of questions for me. Before she would book an appointment, she wanted to know things about my rates, how I work, my sign, the usual stuff. But finally she asked, “Are you legit?” (Me) “Um, what?” (Her) “Like, …
Read This Before Your Next Psychic Reading
You know that TV show, The Long Island Medium? Besides her god-awful, freeze-dried hairdo, the thing that really annoys me is how she does readings just, oh, wherever. Waiting at the deli for fresh mozzarella? Read someone. On line for the bathroom at an AC/DC concert? Read. In a dentist’s waiting room? Read. Yeah, yeah …
Psychics and Religion
A few years ago, I used to read at a local New Age shop. And you could pretty much count on getting some nasty piece of literature shoved under the door each week, claiming that what we were doing was “evil,” “of the devil,” we were going to Hell, blah blah blah. I’ve gotten similar …
3 Tips for A Great Psychic Reading
After all my many long years doing this, I’ve learned a thing or three. Click to learn my tips for making your next reading way better! And remember, if I can help you, reach out at thesensiblepsychic@gmail.com.
Become More Psychic: Clairvoyance
I’ve written a few posts recently about how each and every one of us has psychic ability, how its hardwired into our being but how most of us need to consciously bring it on line. Yes, there are those people who just walk around all “psychic-y” – but don’t let that intimidate you. As I …
Become More Psychic: Clairaudience
OK, so I’ve written about how each and every one of us has psychic ability; to my mind, it’s a spiritual “chip” in our head that just needs to be activated. Activating the chip is a matter of practice. Psychic development requires using your inborn skills on a regular basis. The more you do it, the stronger …