Signs and symbols are all around us.  They represent the language of the subconscious (hello, Carl Jung).  But frequently, they’re also a way for entities on the Other Side to speak with us.


When you have a question or an issue that you want guidance on, ask for a sign from your guides – then remain gently aware as you go through your day. Pay particular attention if you repeatedly see the same sign, or it pops up in a dream several times.

These signs may show up literally (like having a fender bender) — or as an image in an unusual place (like a pic of a baby in a store window).  Trust that sense in the back of your brain that tells you there’s something different.

The following list are some of the more common ones I’ve run across.  Got any favorites of your own?  Add them in the comments section!


ACCIDENT: A wake-up call; pay attention!

ACORN: From small beginnings, great things grow. Good sign when you’re starting something new.

AIRPLANE: Soaring to new heights; having high ideals.

BABY: New beginnings; potential; new spiritual awareness; new ideas.

BELL: Can be a warning; be alert.

BOAT: An emotional journey; leaving the safety of land to “test the waters.”

BOOKS: Wisdom, knowledge, lessons to be learned.

BUTTERFLY: New beginnings on a higher plane; joy and bliss.

CAR: Represents the “vehicle” that you travel through life in; if there are problems in the car, how do they represent what’s happening in your body or your life?

CAT: Your deep, intuitive self; feelings of independence and power.

CLOCKS: What is your relationship to time? Is it running too fast, too slow?

CLOUDS: Clear clouds mean spiritual uplifting: storm clouds indicate trouble brewing followed by a period of “cleansing.”

CROSS: Infinite love; a ladder to the highest levels of God; protection.

DOG: Faithfulness, loyalty, truthfulness.

FEATHER: Presence of spirit; an important message from the Creator.

FIRE: The power of the life force; desire; energy.

HOUSE: Represents your physical and spiritual body; if there are leaks, clogs, problems, what parts of your life mirror that? What do you need to “clean up” or “fix”?

KEY: Doors are opening; solutions are at hand.

LIGHTNING: Indicates speed, strength and awakening the life force; a very powerful sign.

MONEY: If you keep finding money, your finances are improving; coins or small change indicate “changes” on the way.

OCEAN: Represents inner power. What is the state of the water?   Calm or stormy?

PEN/PENCIL: Express yourself.

RAINBOW: Extremely favorable sign: a message that you’re going in the right direction; new hope after a period of difficulty.

STREET SIGNS and BILLBOARDS: Notice what they’re saying to you.

SNAKE: A symbol of healing, transformation.

STORM: Inner turmoil followed by a period of calm; the air is clearing.

TELEPHONE: Trying to get your attention; a subconscious message trying to come through.

TIDAL WAVE: Huge emotional upheaval.


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