During my meditation this morning, I got a message that went something like, “You don’t have to do it all yourself.” This is pretty much spot on, being the perky little control freak that I am. It put me in mind of this card:
When this card comes up in a reading, it indicates someone who’s taking on way too much or doing most of the work in the situation. And you can see that he’s in danger of tripping and dropping his bundle — which means, he has to pick them up again and he’s probably in a hurry and his back is hurting and he’s feeling like he has to do it all and wah wah wah….you get the idea.
The advice behind the 10 of Wands is to share the load — but for control freaks (like me), that can be tough. However, each of us has a team we can call on to help.
They’re always awake (even at 3:20 am). Their phone is always on and never goes to voicemail. They never get tired of hearing your problems. They don’t judge the size of your ass. They are assigned to you from the time you’re born and stay with you until you cross over. They’re not allowed to leave you, no matter how big a pain you may become.
They are your Spirit Team, made up of your spirit guides and a guardian angel. I wrote about spirit guides here –but one of the questions I repeatedly get asked is, “How do I work with them?” It’s really not that complicated: just tell them what you need. That’s it.
I’ll give you a way to meet your guide(s) later — but in the meantime, even if you don’t know their name or anything about them, just reach out. I suggest taking a moment before you go to sleep to send up your message, but you can do it anytime. They don’t stand on ceremony. Something like, “Hi Spirit Team– I could really use your help in knowing how I should handle the situation with Mark. Please send me a sign or some information. Thanks.”
Then keep your radar up. Your Team will always deliver, but it may be subtle and it may not show up the way you expect. The point is to offload some of your burdens on to them. They live for this stuff, so put them to work on your behalf.
There have been a number of great “teams.” Like these guys….
Or this crew, boldly going where no man has gone before….
But YOUR “team” has ’em all licked. And they are at your beck and call, ready to take some of the weight for you. Remember the message I got this morning? “You don’t have to do it all yourself.” You don’t!
Let the late, great Levon Helm and The Band sing us out….
I like this reminder to simply ask and we will receive 🙂