In the last few weeks, several  friends and clients have been hit hard.  The sudden loss of a sister who was far too young.  Major surgery which a father did not survive.  Job loss and financial panic.  January has well and truly sucked, let’s just say it.

I ran into one of these people at the store the other day, and the pain emanating from her was palpable.  She admitted she was just staggering through her days, frustrated at not being able to function – but not ready to function, either.  She was broken.


When you’ve gone through something painful, there’s a huge shock to your body, mind and spirit.   Part of you is thinking there are things you need to do, that you need to get back up and back into the game.  But there’s another part that just can’t think straight and wants nothing more than to stay in bed with a stack of tabloids and a bag of M&Ms.

The thing is, be gentle with yourself.  Give yourself that time.  And when you don’t know what to do or where to start, keep it small.  Tiny, even.

One client was frustrated that she was having no luck in her job search.  She was overwhelmed and fearful that she would never find work.  Things looked bleak and she was going further down that rabbit hole of negativity.  She couldn’t stop crying.

I told her to find just three things every day that made her feel happy, secure and blessed.  Those things could be as small as the fact that she was breathing, or that she had a warm bed to sleep in or that the sun was shining.  By focusing on even tiny things, she would begin to get her power back.  And those miniscule things eventually gain traction, and will help pull her out of the pit.

When you’re feeling punched in the gut, stick to the physical basics.  Eat.  Sleep.  Brush your teeth.  Taking care of your body grounds all that crazy energy that seems to be swirling around you.  It gives you a foundation to build back on.  So even if you do nothing else that day, having a piece of fruit, a short walk, a nap or a little massage is doing something valuable.

Archangel Raphael is the big daddy of healing, so ask him to work on you as you sleep.  He can buff out any rough spots in your energetic body, fill in any of the holes and restore some peace of mind, as well as physical balance.   I’m also all for a short course of therapy and/or anti-depressants, if necessary.


We’ve all been broken at some point, and will be again.  Know that these are tests being brought to you.  And know that they wouldn’t be brought to you if the Powers That Be didn’t know that you could pass them.  Be gentle.  Keep it small.  Take your time.  But don’t give up.

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