I was watching a YouTube thingy the other night, featuring the young psychic/medium, Tyler Henry. He was doing a psychic reading for a celebrity client, explaining that he asks all clients to provide an object related to someone they want to connect with. It helps him get the “conversation” started, so did she bring one? …
“What Are You Saving It For, Honey?”
I took ballet class for many years. It was – and still is – a passion of mine. Although now, I just watch from my seat at the Met. There’s something that happens in class when you’re learning a combination: we call it “marking.” You’ll see dancers at the back of the studio, using their …
Your Psychic Health
Whenever I teach a Psychic Development class, I know I’ll have at least one student who’ll show up after a few weeks looking a little fried. They have bags under their eyes, they seem kinda spent or frazzled, and they tend to just talkandtalkandtalk. It’s exhausting to be around them, bless their pointed little head. …
Letting Go of the Past
It’s been a long, cold, lonely winter, hasn’t it? Here in New Jersey, winter truly made us her bitch. But before we know it, the snow will be gone, the grass growing and I’ll be elbow-deep in mulch and new plants again. The cold nights and biting winds will be in the past. Thank the …
A Super-Easy Tarot Spread for Non-Readers
The Tarot is a rich, deep, complex way to get some rich, deep, complex insights into your life. It’s been around for centuries — and sometimes, it can feel like it takes that long to really know the cards. That puts a lot of people off learning them. Personally, I think spending some time exploring …
How to Move Forward in 2014
Earlier this week, I wrote about how 2014 is a ‘7’ year – which means a year of increased intuitve powers, the ability to manifest things quickly and a year of healing, both inside and out. The corresponding Tarot card to this vibe is The Chariot. The guy in the cart is on the move. …
Seven Things to Do In a “7” Year
There’s something about the number “7.” Lucky seven, the seven seas, Dance of the Seven Veils, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers….you get the drift. Seven has some righteous energy. Traditionally, “7” is the number of wisdom, of the mystic and the magician. According to numerology, it’s the number driving this brand new year, 2014. Not …
The “Repeat” Button: Why the Same Crap Keeps Happening
I read a client the other night who was beyond frustrated at her dating situation. Just when she thought she’d met a great guy, he shut down on her about 2 weeks in. It was all going along so well, and then – pffft. After her third smackdown, she asked, “Why does this keep happening …
Build Your Psychic Power
Intuition is a completely natural function. And like other functions (except, perhaps, my inner thigh muscles), it can be strengthened. The thing with your natural psychic gifts is that you have dozens of chances each day to give them a little work out. Hunches, first impressions and gut feelings are all signs that your intuition …
How to Use A Pendulum
Pendulums are one of the most fun divination tools ever. At the New Age store that I once worked at, we’d play with the display models during slow afternoons. Always a hoot. Pendulums are a great way to get a quick “yes” or “no” answers. And you get a real experience of the physical energy …