Our pets are not just furry, sweet companions – they’re important helpmates on an energetic level. Part of their sensitivities and life purpose is to adjust energy, both our own and that in our home. Sure, they look like they’re just laying there having (yet another) nap. But while they’re doing it, they’re sending out …
Psychic Phenomena
Has COVID Made Us More Psychic?
I know. You – like me, like everyone else – is “sick to the back teeth” (thank you, my English friends for that phrase) about hearing about Covid. But hear me out on something I think is an unexpected side effect of this weird time. We’ve been in the Covid-tunnel for a year-plus. Lockdown, fear, …
Your Psychic Health
Whenever I teach a Psychic Development class, I know I’ll have at least one student who’ll show up after a few weeks looking a little fried. They have bags under their eyes, they seem kinda spent or frazzled, and they tend to just talkandtalkandtalk. It’s exhausting to be around them, bless their pointed little head. …
A Prayer for Malaysian Flight 370
Like most of us, I’ve been caught up in this mystery surrounding Malaysian Air Flight 370. In our hyperconnected world, it seems incomprehensible that a jumbo jet could simply disappear without a trace. There’s plenty of speculation on what may or may not have happened – that will be for the experts to determine. Some …
Letting Go of the Past
It’s been a long, cold, lonely winter, hasn’t it? Here in New Jersey, winter truly made us her bitch. But before we know it, the snow will be gone, the grass growing and I’ll be elbow-deep in mulch and new plants again. The cold nights and biting winds will be in the past. Thank the …
A Super-Easy Tarot Spread for Non-Readers
The Tarot is a rich, deep, complex way to get some rich, deep, complex insights into your life. It’s been around for centuries — and sometimes, it can feel like it takes that long to really know the cards. That puts a lot of people off learning them. Personally, I think spending some time exploring …
Pump Up Your (Protective) Volume
I had a client here the other day who felt every little thing, way too much. She cried for no reason, couldn’t sleep and generally didn’t feel comfortable in her own skin. I could see – and feel—that her energy layers were too, for lack of a better word, “thin.” We all have a barrier …
What If the Dead Came Back?
Last night, I saw a promo for an upcoming TV show called Resurrection. From what I can tell, it poses the question, “What if someone who died came back?” The promo featured people aghast at this chance for a do-over. I’m sure the show is going to go all murder-victim-comes-back-to-freak-out-their-killer at some point, but the …
How to Do An EVP Session
You’re not the only one who digs having a new phone or iPad. Spirits looovvvve anything electronic. I’m not sure why this is, except that gadgets of the electric kind make it easier for spirit to let us know they’re around. Throughout the ages, spirit has used human “stuff” to give us a sense of …
Deer, Deer: Symbolism of the Deer
I love deer. My neighbors may complain that they eat everything in the yard, but I don’t care. No matter how often I see them nibbling in the dusk light, I hold my breath with wonder. The other night, I was blessed to have them respond to my invitation to eat the corn I placed …