I did a bunch of readings recently with clients who were really Going Thru Some Things. One of the comments that kept coming up involved being “punished”; they felt the reason for their troubles was that they’d been “bad” somehow (they hadn’t). Look, Human Life is hard. I believe that we choose to incarnate as …
What “Karma” Is…and Isn’t
I had dinner with an old college friend over the weekend. He’s been going through a rough patch for a bit — actually, it’s more than a “bit,” he’s been having challenges for years. A bad divorce, his kids are assholes and treat him badly, his career evaporated and he’s stuck working at a grocery …
My Field Guide to the Other Side
Kinda excited this morning. I got up, fed the kitties, grabbed some coffee and logged on to see that my new book was uploaded to Amazon overnight! This was one of those “aha” moments; over my time as a reader, I’ve gotten the same 25-30 questions hundreds of times. Each. So I decided to share …
Bringing A Dream Back to Life
I love Facebook, mainly for the way it helps us reconnect with people from our past – like my college roommate. She posted something today that made me recall how frikkin’ smart she always was – even if most of the time, we couldn’t see it through all the pot smoke and Southern Comfort haze …
Do Pets Reincarnate?
‘My dog, I swear, he’s almost human.” When he can bring in the garbage cans or do my taxes, get back to me. But in the meantime, I’ve had several clients ask if their pet will ever reincarnate as a person. My answer would be, Why would he want to? When you can have someone …
Connecting with Spirit Guides
I was recently asked, “How can I better connect with my guides and channel my higher self?” Or something like that. Quick refresher course: each of us has a spirit guide, there to help us stay on track with the life plan the two of you designed before we incarnated. You both set certain goals …
Spirit Guides, Angels and Your Nana
“Is my dead grandmother/father/beagle my guardian angel?” I get this question a lot during a session. And the answer is… Kinda sorta. Basically, we have three kinds of spirit entities around us: spirit guides, angels and those who’ve crossed over. At different times, and in different ways, they are there for us. Let me break …
How the Dead See Us
We’re hitting the Memorial Day weekend, and although its become associated with barbecues, beer and that scary moment when you display your winter-white legs in shorts for the first time, it really IS about “memorial” — as in, remembering those who’ve passed on in service to our country. Whether you’ve lost a military family member …
How to Remember (and Use) Your Dreams
The other night I dreamt I was about to go on stage in front of thousands of people, to play bass with the Stones. Only I don’t know how to play. And unlike flying or breathing underwater, I didn’t know how to do it in the dream, either. Here I was gonna be standing next …
How to Meet Your Spirit Guide
I’ve written previously on the subject of spirit guides, how we all have them and how they stand at the ready to help you get through all the potholes of life. Quick review: before we incarnate, we make a deal with a fellow spirit. For our part, we agree to take on the hairy experience …