Like most of us, I’ve been caught up in this mystery surrounding Malaysian Air Flight 370. In our hyperconnected world, it seems incomprehensible that a jumbo jet could simply disappear without a trace. There’s plenty of speculation on what may or may not have happened – that will be for the experts to determine.
Some clients have asked me if I’ve “gotten” anything via my sensitivities. All I’ve been able to pick up on is a heavy, thick fog – something impossible to pierce. This may represent water, I’m not sure. I also get a sense of sadness from the pilot, although it may be a state he felt during whatever happened.
One thing is crystal clear: the agony of the families can be felt all over the world. What they are enduring is beyond comprehension.
At times like these, we (and they) feel powerless. But here is one small thing we can each do: envision the family members encased in white light. Send them prayers, loving thoughts, any kind of healing. The cumulative affect can be felt. Really.
It’s been scientifically proven that the energy of prayer (or whatever you want to call it) is a real thing. Tests have been done which show that hospital patients who are prayed for remotely experience improved healing. They don’t have to believe in it themselves, or even know its being done – but they reap the benefits.
So whatever your spiritual persuasion, take a moment right now to send a positive thought in the direction of the families.
As for their missing loved ones, my belief is that they are being soothed and healed on the Other Side. What they experienced was a moment of fear – but that moment was an instant in eternity. It has passed and they are now wrapped in the warmth of the source. I wrote about this aspect (and others) of the Afterlife in my book.
When tragedy strikes, those left behind are overwhelmed with worry about what their loved ones experienced. The question I most get in those situations is, “Are they OK?” I’m here to tell you that they are. And that their families will be one day, too.
In the big picture. I believe that this awful mystery will serve to improve certain material things in our world: technology, aviation issues, how governments share information. When the Titanic sank, the scale of that incident triggered a major shift in our perception of the class system, as well as improving maritime safety (every ship now MUST carry sufficient lifeboats). Despite the agonizing circumstances surrounding its loss, Malaysian Air Flight 370 will serve a similar helpful purpose that will benefit others. It’s small comfort right now, but its something.
But in the meantime, hold the families in the white light of love and protection. It helps.
Well written. May peace be with you 🙂