Showing: 1 - 10 of 14 Articles

My Field Guide to the Other Side

Kinda excited this morning.  I got up, fed the kitties, grabbed some coffee and logged on to see that my new book was uploaded to Amazon overnight! This was one of those “aha” moments; over my time as a reader, I’ve gotten the same 25-30 questions hundreds of times.  Each.  So I decided to share …

Boo! Some Thoughts On Ghosts

Last night, I was still in a food coma from Thanksgiving and all its leftovers, so I found myself on the couch watching a marathon of one of those ghost/haunting shows.  Things flying through the air, funky smells, noises, apparitions, lots of screaming people.  Made me happy for my quiet little un-haunted house. But it …

Spirit Guides, Angels and Your Nana

“Is my dead grandmother/father/beagle my guardian angel?”  I get this question a lot during a session.  And the answer is… Kinda sorta. Basically, we have three kinds of spirit entities around us:  spirit guides, angels and those who’ve crossed over.  At different times, and in different ways, they are there for us.  Let me break …

Angels: They’re Not Just for Christmas Anymore

This time of year there are angels everywhere: in malls, on Christmas cards, hanging from my neighbor’s roof — you name it. I like the ones at Rockefeller Center myself: We tend to focus on the one angel who brought the news of Jesus’s birth – and that would be Archangel Gabriel.  Now I know …