Earlier this week, I wrote about how 2014 is a ‘7’ year – which means a year of increased intuitve powers, the ability to manifest things quickly and a year of healing, both inside and out.

The corresponding Tarot card to this vibe is The Chariot.

The guy in the cart is on the move.  He’s heading in a postive direction.  You can practically feel the energy coming off the image.


But look closer:  the charioteer isn’t using his hands to steer.  He’s doing it by sheer will, coupled with the deep knowing of where he wants to go.  It’s like he’s on a spiritual Segway, where the driving is effortless.  The energy to move forward is coming from his inner self.  Hands are unneccessary (unless you’re here in NJ, in which case you’ll want a hand available to give your fellow charioteers the finger).

Having a clear notion of “where” you want to go this year can make the journey much easier.  I don’t believe you have to have every detail worked out, just some broad strokes.  Because the Chariot is being driven by inner knowing, use these questions to trigger your deeper desires.  Don’t overthink them, just brainstorm quickly and freely:

-How do you want to feel this year?

-What makes you happy?

-What do you not want to repeat or experience?

-What made you happy as a kid?

-What’s your most valued possession or person?

-When did you last “take action” on something, like a cause?  What got you off the couch?

-What makes you feel connected to God or Spirit?

The point of these questions is to get to the heart of what makes you happy and satisfied.  It’s the foundation on which you build the details on.  And the neat thing is, once you draw closer to that “heart,” the “how” begins to reveal itself.  And your chariot will begin to really move forward.

What’s on your “to-do” list for this year?  Hit me up in the comments.  And remember to visit me here.

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