The Beach Boys sang about it – and so did a pre-“serious actor” Marky Mark. I’m talking about “good vibrations.” “Vibrations”, as in a higher energy. “Good”, as in, well, good. Working effectively with any metaphysical practice (like Tarot), or entities (like angels), requires adjusting our energy. That’s because our usual human energetic state just …
Why Psychic Development Should Be On Your Bucket List
I recently had a client here who told me that he was taking a psychic development class. But he quickly added that he had no intention of “turning pro” like Yours Truly. Another one of my blog followers posted something similar in a comment. As if becoming a professional psychic, medium, animal communicator or whatever …
Psychics and Religion
A few years ago, I used to read at a local New Age shop. And you could pretty much count on getting some nasty piece of literature shoved under the door each week, claiming that what we were doing was “evil,” “of the devil,” we were going to Hell, blah blah blah. I’ve gotten similar …
Four Tools for A Spiritual Makeover
I recently re-did my office to make it my “reading room” for clients. Put away are the corporate items that once dominated the room: files, binders with reports, back issues of trade magazines and biz-related books. Those now reside in a couple of big containers stashed elsewhere. Instead, I’ve consciously reworked the space to …
Three Things About Your Life Purpose
At a certain point in our life, we may worry that we’ve missed the boat on why we’re here. I’ve had a ton of clients lately wondering what their “life purpose” is. That nagging sense of something unfulfilled, unmet – that’s the Universe nudging you to take another look at things. Now before you start …
How — and When–Change Really Happens
Her email was all in caps: HELP! I’M TRYING TO CHANGE, BUT DON’T SEE ANYTHING HAPPENING!!!! (Yeah, that made my head hurt, too.) This client is not alone. Lately, I’ve had a run on folks coming by who are trying their damndest to make a shift – but the results don’t seem to be following. …
Why Patience Is A Virtue…and A Pain In the Ass
One of my long-time clients has a problem with patience. That message comes up frequently in her readings – to the point that we both laugh about it. She’s a woman in a hurry and has lots of things she wants to make better in her life. Her problem is, when they don’t occur on …
Turning Your Life Upside Down Is A Good Thing
I recently discovered these guys, who call themselves 2Cellos. They’re classically-trained cellists from Croatia (and cute, too!) who found themselves, as many classical artists do, strapped for cash. They had an idea to do a homemade video of their version of a very UN-classical piece, Michael Jackson’s “Smooth Criminal.” Well, the thing went viral. They …
“What Are You Saving It For, Honey?”
I took ballet class for many years. It was – and still is – a passion of mine. Although now, I just watch from my seat at the Met. There’s something that happens in class when you’re learning a combination: we call it “marking.” You’ll see dancers at the back of the studio, using their …
Letting Go of the Past
It’s been a long, cold, lonely winter, hasn’t it? Here in New Jersey, winter truly made us her bitch. But before we know it, the snow will be gone, the grass growing and I’ll be elbow-deep in mulch and new plants again. The cold nights and biting winds will be in the past. Thank the …