I was watching a YouTube thingy the other night, featuring the young psychic/medium, Tyler Henry. He was doing a psychic reading for a celebrity client, explaining that he asks all clients to provide an object related to someone they want to connect with. It helps him get the “conversation” started, so did she bring one? …
Your Psychic Health
Whenever I teach a Psychic Development class, I know I’ll have at least one student who’ll show up after a few weeks looking a little fried. They have bags under their eyes, they seem kinda spent or frazzled, and they tend to just talkandtalkandtalk. It’s exhausting to be around them, bless their pointed little head. …
My Field Guide to the Other Side
Kinda excited this morning. I got up, fed the kitties, grabbed some coffee and logged on to see that my new book was uploaded to Amazon overnight! This was one of those “aha” moments; over my time as a reader, I’ve gotten the same 25-30 questions hundreds of times. Each. So I decided to share …
What If the Dead Came Back?
Last night, I saw a promo for an upcoming TV show called Resurrection. From what I can tell, it poses the question, “What if someone who died came back?” The promo featured people aghast at this chance for a do-over. I’m sure the show is going to go all murder-victim-comes-back-to-freak-out-their-killer at some point, but the …
How to Do An EVP Session
You’re not the only one who digs having a new phone or iPad. Spirits looovvvve anything electronic. I’m not sure why this is, except that gadgets of the electric kind make it easier for spirit to let us know they’re around. Throughout the ages, spirit has used human “stuff” to give us a sense of …
Boo! Some Thoughts On Ghosts
Last night, I was still in a food coma from Thanksgiving and all its leftovers, so I found myself on the couch watching a marathon of one of those ghost/haunting shows. Things flying through the air, funky smells, noises, apparitions, lots of screaming people. Made me happy for my quiet little un-haunted house. But it …
Sylvia Browne, The Imperfect Psychic
I was saddened to see that Sylvia Browne passed away. Although I got the feeling that she had been sick for awhile – she didn’t look good in some recent pictures. So I’m glad she’s at peace and romping on the Other Side. That must be some party. Anyway, as I was scanning the news …
Build Your Psychic Power
Intuition is a completely natural function. And like other functions (except, perhaps, my inner thigh muscles), it can be strengthened. The thing with your natural psychic gifts is that you have dozens of chances each day to give them a little work out. Hunches, first impressions and gut feelings are all signs that your intuition …
Getting More from A Psychic Reading
“Is it OK to talk?” I get this question all the time during a reading. And the answer is, “Absolutely.” A lot of people seem to think that a vow of silence on their part is required, that somehow, talking during a reading is “cheating.” But let me stress something: psychics are here to help …
Connecting with Spirit Guides
I was recently asked, “How can I better connect with my guides and channel my higher self?” Or something like that. Quick refresher course: each of us has a spirit guide, there to help us stay on track with the life plan the two of you designed before we incarnated. You both set certain goals …