I was recently asked, “How can I better connect with my guides and channel my higher self?” Or something like that. Quick refresher course: each of us has a spirit guide, there to help us stay on track with the life plan the two of you designed before we incarnated. You both set certain goals …
How To Connect With The Dead
By a certain age, we’ve all acquired a few things: a credit rating, a droopier ass, an inability to remember why we came into the room. We’ve also acquired more than a passing familiarity with death and the loss of special people. Like that droopy ass, this is something we’d rather not have to deal …
How to Meet Your Spirit Guide
I’ve written previously on the subject of spirit guides, how we all have them and how they stand at the ready to help you get through all the potholes of life. Quick review: before we incarnate, we make a deal with a fellow spirit. For our part, we agree to take on the hairy experience …