Kinda excited this morning. I got up, fed the kitties, grabbed some coffee and logged on to see that my new book was uploaded to Amazon overnight! This was one of those “aha” moments; over my time as a reader, I’ve gotten the same 25-30 questions hundreds of times. Each. So I decided to share …
What If the Dead Came Back?
Last night, I saw a promo for an upcoming TV show called Resurrection. From what I can tell, it poses the question, “What if someone who died came back?” The promo featured people aghast at this chance for a do-over. I’m sure the show is going to go all murder-victim-comes-back-to-freak-out-their-killer at some point, but the …
How to Do An EVP Session
You’re not the only one who digs having a new phone or iPad. Spirits looovvvve anything electronic. I’m not sure why this is, except that gadgets of the electric kind make it easier for spirit to let us know they’re around. Throughout the ages, spirit has used human “stuff” to give us a sense of …
Boo! Some Thoughts On Ghosts
Last night, I was still in a food coma from Thanksgiving and all its leftovers, so I found myself on the couch watching a marathon of one of those ghost/haunting shows. Things flying through the air, funky smells, noises, apparitions, lots of screaming people. Made me happy for my quiet little un-haunted house. But it …
Spiritual Lessons from Netflix
You know those binge viewing sessions you go on from time to time? Like when I watched all three seasons of Downton Abbey in one weekend (my ass still hasn’t quite woken up from that marathon)? Well, when you’re needing a shot of something spiritual on a rainy weekend, here are my picks. MADE IN …
How To Connect With The Dead
By a certain age, we’ve all acquired a few things: a credit rating, a droopier ass, an inability to remember why we came into the room. We’ve also acquired more than a passing familiarity with death and the loss of special people. Like that droopy ass, this is something we’d rather not have to deal …
Psychic Health & Protection
Being a psychic is humbling, exciting, eye-opening, cool and inspiring. It can also kick your ass. They don’t call us “sensitives” for nothing: psychic or mediumistic work requires a shift in your personal energy that leaves you “open” to both the good vibes and the bad. When I read, I can feel my client’s joy, …
How the Dead See Us
We’re hitting the Memorial Day weekend, and although its become associated with barbecues, beer and that scary moment when you display your winter-white legs in shorts for the first time, it really IS about “memorial” — as in, remembering those who’ve passed on in service to our country. Whether you’ve lost a military family member …
“Curses!” Or How They Get In Your Head
Not long ago, I had a woman come in for a reading. Well-dressed, educated, well-spoken — and absolutely terrified. It seems that she’d been to another reader earlier in the week, and was told that she’d been “cursed.” She hemmed, hawed, tried to laugh it off, because, really, who believes in those things…. But as …
Don’t Fear the Reader
She leaned across the table and said, “I had you come here this afternoon while he’s not here, because he thinks this stuff is like black magic….” (Sigh) Man, if I had a dime for every time I’ve heard that psychics are spawns of the devil, I’d be writing this from a beach In Turks …