There’s an old REM track that’s been making the rounds, in light of this Mayan prophecy of the world ending today: “It’s The End of The World As We Know It.”
Well, clearly, since I’m sitting here, listening to the sound of the dryer and my fingers clicking away on the laptop, the world has not stopped spinning. But I think that song title is still appropriate: it’s the end of the world AS WE KNOW IT.
The last couple months have really turned things upside down, especially Hurricane Sandy and the unspeakable tragedy in Newtown, CT. Those two incidents alone have created a seismic shift in our thinking, about how we function as a society. We’ve had similar disasters, but this time, something has changed. We feel it. And I believe this is what the Mayans meant: we are passing into an age of enlightenment. We are taking another step on the path, collectively.
I read somewhere that we are passing out of the Iron Age — one that has been vicious, combative, filled with selfishness (Bernie Madoff, I’m looking at you). The Hindus refer to our current time as ‘the age of quarrel.”
Here’s a clip from a really-underrated movie, “The Devil’s Advocate,” in which Al Pacino — as the Devil — gives one of the great speeches ever. It kinda sums up where we’ve been:
Spoiler alert: in the movie, the Devil doesn’t get to take over the world. And now, in this new world, he doesn’t get to either. We are passing into an age that’s kinder, more interdependent, more spiritually aware.
For the last few days, I’ve sensed a personal shift. I’ve been cleaning out closets, getting rid of old stuff –literally. As we go through the long, dark winter, take some time to go within and help step up your game to meet the new energy of this beautiful new age we’ve just entered. Just like Dorothy did…