I was having breakfast at my local diner yesterday. It’s the kind of place where everyone pretty much knows everyone — and the hostess, “L,” knows I’m an intuitive. So as I worked on a short stack, she sat with me and asked why she’s all of a sudden started seeing the spirits of her …
Talk to Your Pet: Some How-To’s
I’m big on combos: Peanut butter and jelly. Solids and stripes. Jagger and Richards. So it wasn’t a huge leap to combine my psychic ability with my love for critters and become an Animal Communicator. Learning to tweak the radar to interact with animals has been a profound experience. Besides the unconditional love and humor …
Reincarnation 101
Recently, I read a woman who lost her son a few years ago. I can’t even imagine that kind of pain. So I was not at all surprised when she asked if there was a chance that he might reincarnate while she was still alive, and they might connect again. Let’s discuss. Reincarnation fascinates me. …
“Curses!” Or How They Get In Your Head
Not long ago, I had a woman come in for a reading. Well-dressed, educated, well-spoken — and absolutely terrified. It seems that she’d been to another reader earlier in the week, and was told that she’d been “cursed.” She hemmed, hawed, tried to laugh it off, because, really, who believes in those things…. But as …
Don’t Fear the Reader
She leaned across the table and said, “I had you come here this afternoon while he’s not here, because he thinks this stuff is like black magic….” (Sigh) Man, if I had a dime for every time I’ve heard that psychics are spawns of the devil, I’d be writing this from a beach In Turks …
Touched by the Dead
Almost every time I have a client sitting across from me, they tell me that they want to hear more often from their loved ones on the other side. A medium can be useful in this regard: it’s sort of like being an iPhone for reaching across the dimensions. But those who’ve passed are always …
Guess Who’s Coming to the Funeral?
Tom Sawyer wasn’t the only one: dead people like to attend their own funerals. Come on, wouldn’t you? They tend to stand near the end of their coffin, and watch as people pass to pay their respects. They love looking at all the flowers and expressions of sympathy (so make sure you send really nice …
I still remember the first time I ever used a Ouija board: I was in fifth grade, having a sleepover with my friends. After a long, giggly debate, we decided the dead person we most wanted to contact was….Betsy Ross. Go figure. (I voted for Bobby Sherman, but he wasn’t dead– a minor technicality). Anyway, …
“My kitty sees dead people!”
I work as a psychic/medium – but don’t limit myself to two-legged clients. I’m frequently asked to talk to pets, including those who’ve passed over. And their take on that experience is pretty interesting. Animals understand – on a very fundamental level — that death is merely a change from one form of energy to …
“Well done, Medium Raya”
The headline is a line from one of my all-time favorite shows, I Love Lucy. In an old bit from their vaudeville days, Fred introduces Ethel, who’s posing as a medium in order to lead a seance which will hopefully impress Ricky’s spirit-obsessed new boss. Here’s a little taste… Having done my share of working …