The way I see it, you need these on speed-dial: a plumber, mechanic, lawyer, and in my house, a chicken place that delivers.
I would add to that, a good psychic.
I’m not talking about hitting up Madame Lasagna at the boardwalk. I’m talking about those of us who are truly, sharply tuned in to the intuitive side. That kind of information gives you a new (and sometimes better) way to deal with modern challenges.

Ever since the first human wondered if the person in the next cave over liked them or not, humans have sought ways to see what couldn’t be determined by other means. Psychic ability lets us pull back from what’s in front of us, and sense other things at play. The psychic’s brain downloads on a completely different channel and offers another source of information.
Intuition is a nice counterbalance to the super-tech, pointy-headed vibe of this 21st century life. It’s more organic. Your iPhone can do a lot of things, but picking up psychic info ain’t on the list.

Maybe that’s why I’ve seen such a huge increase in people coming for a reading whom you might not expect: a tough Irish cop, a psychoanalyst, a surgeon, for starters. They’re finding a new way around their problems, by tapping into this age-old data stream.
If you’re still kicking the idea around, here are my 3.5 reasons to consider a psychic.
As a psychic, I’m focused on the particular issue you bring me, but I’m also “pulling back” to see what else is going on around its edges. It’s kind of like Google Earth. Many times, I pick up on things affecting it that you weren’t aware of: past-life influences, karma, what’s up with the other people involved. That kind of intel gives you a new perspective on why and where you’re stuck. (Even if you’re not sold on the idea of past lives or karma, admit it – it sounds interesting, doesn’t it?)

When the same annoying situation/person keeps showing up in your life, there’s a reason. Yes, really. The Universe is trying to get your attention, or to provide a lesson. What is that lesson? An intuitive can give you the crib sheet and show you how to finally move forward.

Check the frownlines on your face: we spend so much time grinding our mental gears, trying to work out a solution to a problem.

Sometimes, you need to take the brain out of it – and see what instinct and the heart has to say. That’s the specialty of a psychic. Add that info to the intellectual mix, your own knowledge of the situation and you’ve got something you can really work with in solving a problem.
Not all psychics are mediums – meaning, possessing the ability to connect with those on the Other Side. But for those who do have that particular channel on their radio, it can be a powerful experience for the client. My motto is, “It’s not a reading ‘til someone’s crying.”

Connecting with someone you’ve lost is incredibly therapeutic. I’ve had clients finally be able to drop all kinds of baggage after getting a message from someone who’s crossed over. It’s not only intensely liberating, it’s a big comfort, as well. The right psychic-medium can hook you up on that channel.
When it comes to finding an intuitive, I strongly believe in personal recommendations. You want a good fit – and a truly professional intuitive won’t mind if he/she isn’t the right one for you.
Let me just add that a responsible psychic will only ask for his/her standard fee (and not hit you up for “extras,” like “removing curses”); and if someone’s issues are above their paygrade, they’ll suggest a qualified mental health professional.
At any rate, if you’ve ever rolled your eyes at the thought of consulting a psychic, open your mind. This ancient art is more 21st century than you think.
Great post! I believe that more and more people are becoming open to consulting psychics and I feel that it will become even more popular in the future. As we progress into the 21st century, people are starting to feel the shortfalls of modern medicine and counseling and are looking for alternatives. Psychic readings, as well as alternative medicine, will definitely make a comeback. 🙂
I agree. It is important to have a good psychic for those times when you need some outside support to make big decisions. I’m psychic myself and still connect with other psychics to help me out at times when my own intuition might be clouded by my process in some way.