Showing: 11 - 20 of 26 Articles

Your 8 Spirit Helpers

The last couple weeks have been pretty cool.  During my readings, I’ve been getting some very powerful connections with my client’s spirit guides. Now, I’m used to linking in with a main guide – the one that stays with us from birth to death. But lately, I’ve had evidence of some of the 7 other …

On Psychic Accuracy

I got a really nice email from someone I just read, happily announcing that she’s pregnant. During our session, the question had come up. I saw some minor issues conceiving, but with a healthy pregnancy by November. Turns out, that’s when she’s due to give birth. She did have a few fertility problems in the …

Your Psychic Health

Whenever I  teach a Psychic Development class, I know I’ll have at least one student who’ll show up after a few weeks looking a little fried.  They have bags under their eyes, they seem kinda spent or frazzled, and they tend to just talkandtalkandtalk.   It’s exhausting to be around them, bless their pointed little head. …

A Super-Easy Tarot Spread for Non-Readers

The Tarot is a rich, deep, complex way to get some rich, deep, complex insights into your life.    It’s been around for centuries  — and sometimes, it can feel like it takes that long to really know the cards.    That puts a lot of people off learning them. Personally, I think spending some time exploring  …

Deer, Deer: Symbolism of the Deer

I love deer.  My neighbors may complain that they eat everything in the yard, but I don’t care.  No matter how often I see them nibbling in the dusk light, I hold my breath with wonder.   The other night, I was blessed to have them respond to my invitation to eat the corn I placed …

Build Your Psychic Power

Intuition is a completely natural function.  And like other functions (except, perhaps, my inner thigh muscles), it can be strengthened. The thing with your natural psychic gifts is that you have dozens of chances each day to give them a little work out.  Hunches, first impressions and gut feelings are all signs that your intuition …