Showing: 11 - 20 of 23 Articles

Karma’s Not Always A Bitch – But When It Is…

I admit it – I love the Real Housewives of New Jersey. And I’ve been fascinated by the saga of Teresa and Joe’s criminal activity. They really had no clue that having a TV camera pointed at their extravagance might raise some red flags with government officials? (By contrast, nobody at the IRS would be interested …

Getting Unstuck

One of the most common things my clients say when they sit down with me is, “I feel….stuck.”  It comes up over and over again. And again. I know that feeling: you’re like one of those old vinyl records, and the needle keeps skipping. Yes, I’m dating myself, but whatever – where you’re at doesn’t …

On Psychic Accuracy

I got a really nice email from someone I just read, happily announcing that she’s pregnant. During our session, the question had come up. I saw some minor issues conceiving, but with a healthy pregnancy by November. Turns out, that’s when she’s due to give birth. She did have a few fertility problems in the …

The “Repeat” Button: Why the Same Crap Keeps Happening

I read a client the other night who was beyond frustrated at her dating situation.  Just when she thought she’d met a great guy, he shut down on her about 2 weeks in.  It was all going along so well, and  then – pffft. After her third smackdown, she asked, “Why does this keep happening …

Connecting with Spirit Guides

I was recently asked, “How can I better connect with my guides and channel my higher self?”  Or something like that. Quick refresher course:  each of us has a spirit guide, there to help us stay on track with the life plan the two of you designed before we incarnated.  You both set certain goals …

3.5 Reasons You Need A Psychic

The way I see it, you need these on speed-dial: a plumber, mechanic, lawyer, and in my house, a chicken place that delivers. I would add to that, a good psychic. I’m not talking about hitting up Madame Lasagna at the boardwalk. I’m talking about those of us who are truly, sharply tuned in to the …

How the Dead See Us

We’re hitting the Memorial Day weekend, and although its become associated with barbecues, beer and that scary moment when you display your winter-white legs in shorts for the first time, it really IS about “memorial” — as in, remembering those who’ve passed on in service to our country. Whether you’ve lost a military family member …