The last couple weeks have been pretty cool. During my readings, I’ve been getting some very powerful connections with my client’s spirit guides. Now, I’m used to linking in with a main guide – the one that stays with us from birth to death. But lately, I’ve had evidence of some of the 7 other …
spirit guides
Three Things About Your Life Purpose
At a certain point in our life, we may worry that we’ve missed the boat on why we’re here. I’ve had a ton of clients lately wondering what their “life purpose” is. That nagging sense of something unfulfilled, unmet – that’s the Universe nudging you to take another look at things. Now before you start …
How — and When–Change Really Happens
Her email was all in caps: HELP! I’M TRYING TO CHANGE, BUT DON’T SEE ANYTHING HAPPENING!!!! (Yeah, that made my head hurt, too.) This client is not alone. Lately, I’ve had a run on folks coming by who are trying their damndest to make a shift – but the results don’t seem to be following. …
How to Host the Angels
Have you heard about this thing where you host the Archangels? It’s been going around, sort of like a chain letter. Some say you need to pass it on to three people when you’re done; personally, I don’t think you need to. I think they’re happy to help you out, all on your own. I …
Boo! Some Thoughts On Ghosts
Last night, I was still in a food coma from Thanksgiving and all its leftovers, so I found myself on the couch watching a marathon of one of those ghost/haunting shows. Things flying through the air, funky smells, noises, apparitions, lots of screaming people. Made me happy for my quiet little un-haunted house. But it …
Bringing A Dream Back to Life
I love Facebook, mainly for the way it helps us reconnect with people from our past – like my college roommate. She posted something today that made me recall how frikkin’ smart she always was – even if most of the time, we couldn’t see it through all the pot smoke and Southern Comfort haze …
Sylvia Browne, The Imperfect Psychic
I was saddened to see that Sylvia Browne passed away. Although I got the feeling that she had been sick for awhile – she didn’t look good in some recent pictures. So I’m glad she’s at peace and romping on the Other Side. That must be some party. Anyway, as I was scanning the news …
Connecting with Spirit Guides
I was recently asked, “How can I better connect with my guides and channel my higher self?” Or something like that. Quick refresher course: each of us has a spirit guide, there to help us stay on track with the life plan the two of you designed before we incarnated. You both set certain goals …
Spirit Guides, Angels and Your Nana
“Is my dead grandmother/father/beagle my guardian angel?” I get this question a lot during a session. And the answer is… Kinda sorta. Basically, we have three kinds of spirit entities around us: spirit guides, angels and those who’ve crossed over. At different times, and in different ways, they are there for us. Let me break …
How to Remember (and Use) Your Dreams
The other night I dreamt I was about to go on stage in front of thousands of people, to play bass with the Stones. Only I don’t know how to play. And unlike flying or breathing underwater, I didn’t know how to do it in the dream, either. Here I was gonna be standing next …